< Orthopaedic Surgery
Orthopaedic Surgery

1.Basic Sciences · 2.Upper Limb · 3.Foot and Ankle · 4.Spine · 5.Hand and Microsurgery · 6.Paediatric Orthopaedics · 7.Adult Reconstruction · 8.Sports Medicine · 9.Musculoskeletal Tumours · 10.Injury · 11.Surgical Procedures · 12.Rehabilitation · 13.Practice

Hand and Microsurgery
<<Spinal Tuberculosis Design and Function>>

  • Design and Function
  • Clinical Practice
  • Anatomy
    1. Limb Embrology
    2. Dorsal Compartments of Wrist
    3. Finger Joints
    4. Relationships
  • Pathophysiology
    1. Intrinsic Minus Hand
    2. Intrinsic Plus Hand
    3. Lumbrical Plus Finger
    4. Swan neck Deformity
    5. Boutonniere Deformity
    6. Quadriga Effect
  • Compression Neuropathies
    1. Introduction
      • Phases of Compression Neuropathy
      • Double Crush Phenomenon
      • Etiology
      • Sensory and Electrical Testing
    2. Median Nerve
    3. Ulnar Nerve
    4. Radial Nerve
      • Radial Nerve Compression at Arm level
      • Posterior Interosseous Nerve Compression Syndrome
      • Radial Tunnel Syndrome
      • Wartenburg's Syndrome
    5. Others
      • Suprascapular Nerve Entrapment Syndromes
      • Thoracic Outlet Syndrome
  • Tendon Injuries
    1. Extensor Tendons
    2. Flexor Tendons
  • Hand Infections
    1. Paronychia
    2. Felon
    3. Human Bite
    4. Dog and Cat Bites
    5. Suppurative Flexor Tenosynovitis
    6. Herpetic Whitlow
    7. Deep Potential Space Infections
    8. Necrotizing Fascitis
    9. Fungal Infection
    10. Atypical Mycobacterial Infections
    11. Hand Infection and HIV
  • Vascular Disease
    1. Evaluation Techniques
    2. Compartment Syndrome
    3. Volkmann's Ischaemic Contracture
    4. Occlusive Vascular Disease
      • Post-Traumatic Vascular Occlusion
      • Embolic Disease
      • Arteritis
        1. Thromboangiitis Obliterans
        2. Giant Cell Arteritis
        3. Takayasu's Arteritis
        4. Polyarteritis Nodosa
        5. Connective Tissue Disorders
      • Atherosclerosis
    5. Vasospastic Disease
    6. Pain States
    7. Frostbite
  • Microsurgery
    1. Traumatic Amputations
      • Care of Amputated Part
      • Favourable Indications for Replantation
      • Unfavourable Indications for Replantation
      • Operative Sequence of Replantation
      • Postoperative Care and Monitoring of Replantation
      • Complications of Replantation
        1. Arterial Insufficiency
        2. Inadequate Venous Outflow
        3. Infection
        4. Cold Intolerance
      • Forearm and Arm Replantation
    2. Ring Vulsion Injuries
    3. Finger Tip Amputations
    4. Microsurgery
      • Wound Classification
      • Timing of Wound Coverage
      • Wound Closure
        1. Primary Wound Closure
        2. Secondary Wound Closure
        3. Skin Grafts
        4. Flap Reconstruction
          • Types of Flaps
          • Causes of Flap Failure
      • Thumb Reconstruction
      • Microsurgical Bone Reconstruction
      • Microsurgical Joint Transfer
      • Microsurgical Functioning Free Muscle Transfer
      • Reconstruction of Defects over Tibia
  • Wrist Pain
    1. Evaluation of Wrist Pain
      • Kinematics
      • Clinical Assessment
      • Radiographic Assessment
      • Arthroscopy
    2. Wrist Instability
      • Carpal Instability Dissociative
        1. Dorsal Intercalated Segment Instability
        2. Volar Intercalated Segment instability
        3. Axial Carpal Instability
      • Carpal Instability Non-Dissociative
      • Carpal Instability Combined
        1. Perilunate Dislocations
      • Scaphocapitate Syndrome
    3. Scaphoid Fracture
    4. Scaphoid Non-Union
    5. Scapholunate Advanced Collapse
    6. Hamate Hook Fracture
    7. Scaphoid Trapezium Trapezoid Arthritis
    8. Avascular Necrosis of Scaphoid
    9. Avascular Necrosis of Capitate
    10. Avascular Necrosis of Lunate
    11. Triangular Fibrocartilage Complex Abnormalities
      • Anatomy of Triangular Fibrocartilage Complex
      • Traumatic TFCC Lesions
      • Degerative TFCC Lesions
    12. Ulnar Stylod Impaction Syndromes
    13. Tendinitis
    14. Ganglions
  • Arthritis
    1. Osteoarthritis
      • Mucous Cysts
      • DIP Joint OA
      • PIP Joint OA
      • Thumb CMC Joint OA
      • Erosive OA
      • Pulmonary Hypertrophic Osteoarthropathy
    2. Inflammatory Arthritis
      • Arthritis Mutilans
      • Rheumatoid Hand
      • Gout
      • Pseudogout
      • Systemic Lupus Erythematous
      • Scleroderma
      • Psoriatic Arthritis in Hand
  • Dupuytren's Disease
  • Nerve Injury
  • Paralytic Hand
  • Tendon Transfers
  • Congenital Hand Disorders
    1. Failure of Part Formation
      • Transverse Absence
      • Longitudinal Absence
        1. Radial Club Hand
        2. Ulnar Club Hand
        3. Cleft Hand
    2. Failure of Part Differentiation
      • Radioulnar Synostosis
      • Symphalangism
      • Camptodactyly
      • Clinodactyly
      • Flexed Thumb
      • Arthrogrposis
      • Syndactyly
    3. Duplication
      • Preaxial Polydactyly
      • Postaxial Polydactyly
      • Central Polydactyly
    4. Overgrowth
    5. Undergrowth
    6. Constriction Ring Syndrome
    7. Congenital Dislocation of Radial Head
    8. Madelung's Deformity
  • Hand Tumours
    1. Benign Tumours
      • Localised Nodular Tenosynovitis
      • Neurolemmoma
      • Glomus Tumour
      • Epidermal Inclusion Cyst
      • Ganglion
      • Calcinosis
      • Djerine-Sottas Disease
      • Turret Exostosis
      • Carpometacarpal Boss
      • Enchondroma
      • Osteoid Osteoma
      • Giant Cell Tumour of Bone
      • Pigmented Subungual Lesions
      • Melanoma
    2. Malignancies
  • Nails
    1. Structure of Nail
    2. Nail Bed Injury
    3. Split Nail Deformity
    4. Hook Nail Deformity
  • Elbow
    1. Anatomy of Elbow
    2. Distal Biceps Tendon Rupture
    3. Epicondylitis
    4. Rheumatoid Elbow
      • Synovectomy
      • Interpostion Arthroplasty
      • Total Elbow Arthroplasty
    5. Stiff Elbow
  • Top ten ways to stay out of trouble
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