< Online OsiriX Documentation

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About OsiriX

This selection brings up a splash screen showing which version of Osirix you are currently using. It also includes a button linking back to the main OsiriX website.

Splash screen for version 1.5B2 of OsiriX

Online OsiriX Documentation Table of Contents > OsiriX Menu


This selection currently has 8 separate subpanels:

OsiriX General Preferences

OsiriX Viewers Preferences

OsiriX CD/DVD Preferences

OsiriX Database Preferences

OsiriX Listener Preferences

OsiriX Locations Preferences

OsiriX Routing Preferences

OsiriX Protocols Preferences

Check for Updates

This selection will compare your current version of OsiriX against the latest version at OsiriX World Headquarters. If you have the most current version, you will see:

Otherwise, you will get a message telling you of a new version, with swell new features.

Hide OsiriX (command-H)

This selection causes OsiriX to hide. It will continue to run, but will be hidden from sight on your screen.

Hide Others

This selection causes other open applications to hide. They continue to run, but are hidden from sight on your screen.

Quit OsiriX (command-Q)

This selection causes OsiriX to shut down.

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