< Miskito
Miskitu Aisas!

Miskito Language Course

Lesson 1 Table of Contents
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Getting started

Miskitu aisas!
Welcome to Miskitu Aisas! · The Miskito people and their language · How to use the course · Where to next? Pronunciation and spelling
Vowels · Consonants · Semivowels and diphthongs · Accent and aspiration · Reading practice


Lesson 1: Nini Mary sa (My name is Mary)
is · this and that · the · a Lesson 2: Buk ba tibil ra sa (The book is on the table)
In, on and at · Plural nouns · We, they, these and those · Isn't/aren't Lesson 3: Tawan ra sap kum bara sa ki? (Is there a shop in the village?)
There is/are · Questions · Who, what and where · Your Lesson 4: Yaptiki ba Miskitu aisisa (My mother speaks Miskito)
The -isa form · The -ras form Lesson 5: Naha wina Bilwi ra (From here to Bilwi)
To and from · Here and there · Direct objects · A note on infinitives Lesson 6: Nahwala, yauhka (Yesterday, tomorrow)
With · The future tense · The past tense Lesson 7: Inglis aisisma ki? (Do you speak English?)
I am · You are · Some personal pronouns · The present tense · The future tense Lesson 8: Anira auma ki? (Where are you going?)
Go, come, know, and want · The negative · Past forms Lesson 9: Wan skulka (Our school)
The -ka ligature after demonstratives · Rules for adding -ka · Other uses of ligature · The genitive construction Lesson 10: Miskitu aisi banghwisna (We speak Miskito)
Plural personal pronouns · Banghwaia · A-verbs and i-verbs · The -a or -ya ligature
READING: Miskitu yumhpa





The project

Authors and contributors
Major authors · Further contributors Project history
Announcing the project · New page log · Latest news Current development
Setting up · "To do" list · Help needed! Aims and objectives
Long-range goals / Objectives for this course Method
Basic resources · Structural syllabus · Target lexicon · Lesson design · Choosing model sentences · Explaining grammar · Composing mini-exercises · Vocabulary control · Review exercises · Layout procedures

Authors' workbench

Proposed syllabus
Lesson-by-lesson list of planned structural content Planned lexicon
A provisional word list Lesson structure
How to start writing a lesson · Overall structure of a lesson · A note on layout · The model component · The exercise component · The commentary component · Vocabulary and review Layout guide
Point layout · The model component · The exercise component · The commentary component · The vocabulary component · The review component Using the templates
Template basics · Template index How to...
start a new page · write a point · write a vocabulary/review section Page log
Newly created pages are logged here Project note book
Bits, pieces and snippets possibly of use later

More lessons

Lesson 11: ? (?)
(Coming soon!)

Reference section

Miskito-English vocabulary
Covers the lessons so far written. English-Miskito vocabulary
Covers lessons 1 to 10 Abbreviations used
Subject index
Appendix: Ligatures and possessive forms
Appendix: Verb tables

More about Miskito

Miskito links and bibliography
Miskito links · Bibliography Discussion page
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