< Messier Index
Owl Nebula
Observation data
(Epoch J2000.0)
Right ascension 11h 14.8m
Declination +55° 01
Distance 2,600 ly
Apparent magnitude (V) +9.9
Apparent dimensions (V) 3.4 × 3.3 arcmin
Constellation Ursa Major
Physical characteristics
Radius 1.5 ly
Absolute magnitude (V) -
Notable features Owl-like "eyes" visible through larger telescopes
Other designations M97, NGC 3587

The Owl Nebula (also known as w:Messier Object 97 or NGC 3587) is a w:planetary nebula in the w:constellation w:Ursa Major. It was discovered by w:Pierre Méchain in 1781.

M97 is regarded as one of the more complex of the planetaries. The 16th magnitude central w:star has about 0.7 w:solar mass and the nebula itself about 0.15 solar mass. The nebula formed roughly 6,000 years ago.

The nebula gets it name due to the appearance of owl-like "eyes" when view through a large (>200 mm) telescope under dark sky conditions with the aid of a so-called "nebula filter." The "eyes" are also easily visible through photographs taken of the nebula.

Image of Messier 97 taken with red, green
and blue filters with the w:Faulkes Telescope North
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