< Java Programming < Keywords

char is a keyword. It defines a character primitive type. char can be created from character literals and numeric representation. Character literals consist of a single quote character (') (ASCII 39, hex 0x27), a single character, and a close quote ('), such as 'w'. Instead of a character, you can also use unicode escape sequences, but there must be exactly one.


char variable name1 = 'character1';
Code section 1: Three examples.
1 char oneChar1 = 'A';
2 char oneChar2 = 65;
3 char oneChar3 = '\u0041';
4 System.out.println(oneChar1);
5 System.out.println(oneChar2);
6 System.out.println(oneChar3);
Output for Code section 1

65 is the numeric representation of character 'A' , or its ASCII code.

The nominal wrapper class is the java.lang.Character class when you need to store a char value but an object reference is required.

Code section 2: char wrapping.
1 char aCharPrimitiveType = 'A';
2 Character aCharacterObject = aCharPrimitiveType;

See also:

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