< Hebrew < Verbs
עברית ישראלית

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  • acquire, purchase   רָכַשׁ
  • adopt; strengthen; strain   אִימֵּץ
  • advise, counsel   יִיעֵץ
  • agree, approve   הִסְכִּים
  • answer, respond; consent   עָנָה
  • apologize   הִתְנַצֵּל
  • appoint, designate   מִינָּה
  • approach; be imminent   הִתְקָרֵב
  • arrange   סִידֵּר
  • arrive, reach   הִגִּיעַ
  • ask, request; seek   בִּיקֵּשׁ
  • ask; borrow   שָׁאַל
  • assist, support   סִייַּע
  • attack, assault, tackle   תָּקַף


  • be afraid, fear   פַחֵד
  • be angry, lose one's temper   כָּעס
  • be born, be created   נוֹלַד
  • be divided, be distributed; be divisible (number)   הִתְחַלֵּק
  • be found; be available; exist; be located; stay   נִמְצָא
  • be late   אֵיחֵר
  • be lost; perish   אָבַד
  • be moved (emotionally), be(come) excited   הִתְרַגֵּשׁ
  • be, exist; belong; come to pass   הָיָה
  • begin, start   הִתְחִיל
  • behave, conduct oneself   הִתְנַהֵג
  • believe; trust   הֶאֱמִין
  • bless; greet; congratulate   בֵּירֵךְ
  • borrow (money)   לָווָה
  • break (tr.); destroy   שָׁבַר
  • breathe   נָשַׁם
  • bring; bring about   הֵבִיא
  • bring down, take off (clothes); remove; decrease   הוֹרִיד
  • broadcast   שִידֵּר
  • build   בָּנַה
  • bump   נִתְקַל
  • bury   קָבַר
  • buy, purchase; acquire, win, gain, get   קָנַה


  • can; may, be permitted   יָכוֹל
  • celebrate, observe (holiday)   חָגַג
  • change (tr.), alter   שִׁינָּה
  • choose; prefer; vote (for)   בָּחַר
  • clean; exonerate   נִיקָּה
  • collect, gather, assemble   אָסַף
  • come/go out, emerge; leave   יָצָא
  • come; arrive; return; turn   בָּא
  • conquer; press/pack down   כָּבַשׁ
  • continue   הִמְשִׁיךְ
  • cook, boil, stew (intr.)   בִּישֵּׁל
  • correspond   הִתְכַּתֵּב
  • cross; pass; pass through   עָבַר
  • cry, weep   בָּכָה

To Do: cancel, capture, careful, cause, chat, cheat, check, claim, clarify, climb, comb, complain, complete, comprehend, concentrate, condemn, confirm, congratulate, conquer, contribute, convince, copy, cough, count, cover, crawl, curse, and cut.


  • get divorced   הִתְגָּרֵשׁ
  • get dressed   הִתְלַבֵּשׁ
  • get married   הִתְחַתֵּן
  • get up, stand up; be established   קָם
  • give, present; let, allow   נָתַן
  • go (by vehicle), travel   נָסַע
  • go (on foot), walk; be about to   הָלַךְ
  • go down; emigrate (from Israel)   יָרַד
  • go for a walk, be on a trip   טִייֵּל
  • go up; cost; immigrate (to Israel)   עָלָה
  • grown old (coll.)   הִזְדַּקֵּן
  • grow old, age   זָקַן


  • yearn (for), long (for), miss   הִתְגַּעֲגֵעַ
  • yield, surrender   נִכְנַע


The following verbs are advanced and should be completed only after the above verbs are finished.


  • abound, flow in profusion   שָׁפַע
  • absorb, receive; comprehend   קָלַט
  • accompany   נִלְווָּה
  • accompany, escort   לִיווָּה
  • accuse, indict, blame   הֶאֱשִׁים
  • accustom, habituate   הִרְגִּיל
  • acquit; credit   זִיכָּה
  • act, work, function; induce   פָּעַל
  • add up, summarize   סִיכֵּם
  • add, increase   הוֹסִיף
  • adjust (intr.), adapt   הִסְתַּגֵּל
  • adjust (tr.), acquire   סיגֵּל
  • admit; confess; thank   הוֹדָה
  • adorn oneself   הִתְקַשֵּׁט
  • advance (tr.); greet   קִידֵּם
  • advance; be progressive   הִתְקַדֵּם
  • advise, counsel   יָעַץ
  • agree beforehand   נִדְבַּר
  • aim; adjust; intend, mean   כִּיווֵּן
  • allow; afford   הִרְשָׁה
  • amaze   הִפְלִיא
  • amount to, add up to   הִסְתַּכֵּם
  • amount to; count   מָנָה
  • amuse oneself (with)   הִשְׁתַּעֲשַׁע
  • amuse, entertain   שִׁעְשַׁע
  • annihilate   הִשְׁמִיד
  • annoy   הִרְגִּיז
  • apologize, excuse oneself   הִצְטַדֵּק
  • appear; come out (book, etc.)   הוֹפִיעַ
  • apply (law, intr.); occur   חָל
  • apply make up (tr.)   אִיפֵּר
  • approach; begin   נִיגַּשׁ
  • argue, debate   הִתְווַכֵּחַ
  • arrange; edit   עָרַךְ
  • arrest; forbid   אָסַר
  • assemble (intr.)   הִתְאַסֵּף
  • assemble, convene   הִתְכַּנֵּס
  • assemble, gather (intr.)   הִתְקַבֵּץ
  • assist in childbirth   יִילֵּד
  • astound   הִדְהִיע
  • attach   הִצְמִיד
  • attach; combine   צֵירֵף
  • attack   הִתְקִיף
  • attack, come down on   הִתְנַפֵּל
  • attribute, ascribe   שִׁייֵּךְ
  • attribute, relate   יִיחֵס
  • avoid, abstain   נִמְנַע


  • gain (victory); suffer (defeat)   נָחַל
  • gather together   קִיבֵּץ
  • gather, bring together   כִּינֵּס
  • generalize; include   הִכְלִיל
  • generate, perform   חוֹלֵל
  • get added   הִתְווַסֵּף
  • get confused, mixed (up)   הִתְבַּלְבֵּ
  • get connected; form alliance   הִתְחַבֵּר
  • get dirty   הִתְלַכְלֵךְ
  • get famous/publicized   הִתְפַּרְסֵם
  • get impression, be impressed   הִתְרַשֵּׁם
  • get locked   נִנְעַל
  • get organized   הִתְאַרְגֵּן
  • get organized; settle in   הִסְתַּדֵּר
  • get performed   הִתְבַּצַּע
  • get spent, wasted   הִתְבַּזְבֵּז
  • get warm/hot; get angry   הִתְחַמֵּם
  • get well, recover, be cured   נִרְפָּא
  • give birth, bear   יָלַד
  • gladden, make happy   שִׂמַּח
  • go away; die; withdraw   הִסְתַּלֵּק
  • go mad; act crazy (coll.)   הִשְׁתַּגֵּעַ
  • go out (fire, light)   כָּבָה
  • go out (fire, light)   נִכְבָּה
  • go wild, cause a disturbance   הִתְפָּרֵעַ
  • grant interview   הִתְרַאְייֵן
  • grant, provide; award   
  • grow (intr.); arise, spring (from)   צָמַח
  • grow (intr.); expand   גָּדַל
  • grow (tr.), cultivate; rear/raise   גִּידֵּל
  • grow cold; catch a cold   הִתְקָרֵר
  • grow fat   שָׁמַן
  • grow fat(ter); fatten   הִשְׁמִין
  • grow up, mature   הִתְבַּגֵּר
  • guess; hypothesize   נִיחֵשׁ
  • guide, direct; instruct   הִדְרִיךְ
  • guide; instruct; moderate   הִנְחָה

See Also

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