< Color Theory

"[S]eparate the calculation phase from the colouring phase"—Claude Heiland-Allen


Example of interesting color gradient


How to use color in your program


  • check your data ( type, range)
  • choose what feature of the data you want to highlight
  • apply gradient
  • check the result/ optimize it

Transfer function

Transfer function T[1]


Examples: [2]

  • gray(x) returns a shade of gray. The argument x should be in the range 0–1. If x=0, black is returned; if x=1, white is returned.
  • rgb(r,g,b) returns a color with the specified RGB components, which should be in the range 0–1.
  • cmyk(c,m,y,k) returns a color with the specified CMYK components, which should be in the range 0–1.
  • hsb(h,s,b) returns a color with the specified coordinates in hue–saturation–brightness color space, which should be in the range 0–1.
  • hsl(h,s,l)

Normalisation = resecale to standard range[3]



  • separated transfer functions for color and opacity in ParaView[4]
  • Multi-Dimensional Transfer Functions[5]
  • "The Transfer Function technique is a volume ray casting and rendering technique that assigns a different color and a different opacity/transparency value in different ranges of intensity values. This is done with a histogram based function, the "transfer function". The transfer function consists several control points, and each one of them corresponds to an intensity value and it has an RGB color and an opacity/transparency value. The intensity value of a control point is displayed with its color and opacity/transparency value, and the intensity values between two control points are displayed with the interpolated colors and the interpolated opacity/transparency values of the two control points. With the use of the transfer function, the different parts of the human body are displayed with a different color and a different opacity/transparency value." from Sante DICOM Viewer 3D Pro[6]

Color value

Color can be specified using one of the formats

Types of color gradient

Color gradients can be named by :

  • dimension
  • color model: hsv[7]
  • number of segments of gradient
  • function used to create gradient
  • Number of colors
    • gray scale precision in Gimp
      • At integer precision
        • An 8-bit integer grayscale image provides 255 available tonal steps from 0 (black) to 255 (white).
        • A 16-bit integer grayscale image provides 65535 available tonal steps from 0 (black) to 65535 (white).
        • A 32-bit integer grayscale image theoretically will provide 4294967295 tonal steps from 0 (black) to 4294967295 (white). But as high bit depth GIMP 2.10 does all internal processing at 32-bit floating point precision, the actual number of steps will be no more than the number of tonal steps available in a 32-bit floating point image.
      • At floating point precision: the available number of tonal steps in a grayscale image depends on the specified bit depth (8-bit, 16-bit, or 32-bit)



Here color of pixel is proportional to 1D variable. For example in 2D space ( complex plane where point z = x+y*i) :

An example of a function to return a color that is linearly between two given colors:

colorA = [0, 0, 255] # blue
colorB = [255, 0, 0] # red
function get_gradient_color(val):
# 'val' must be between 0 and 1
for i in [1,2,3]:
color[i] = colorA[i] + val * (colorB[i] - colorA[i])
return color


Domain coloring plot of the function
ƒ(x) =(x2  1)(x  2  i)2/(x2 + 2 + 2i). The hue represents the function argument, while the saturation represents the magnitude.

Because color can be treated as more than 1D value it is used to represent more than one ( real or 1D) variable. For example :

' panomand/src/dll/fbmandel.bas
' https://www.unilim.fr/pages_perso/jean.debord/panoramic/mandel/panoramic_mandel.htm
' PANOMAND is an open source software for plotting Mandelbrot and Julia sets. It is written in two BASIC dialects: PANORAMIC and FreeBASIC
' by Jean Debord
' a simplified version of R Munafo's algorithm
' Color is defined in HSV space, according to Robert Munafo 
' (http://mrob.com/pub/muency/color.html): the value V is 
' computed from the distance estimator, while the hue H and 
' saturation S are computed from the iteration number.

function MdbCol(byval Iter as integer, _
                byval mz   as double, _
                byref dz   as Complex) as integer
' Computes the color of a point
' Iter = iteration count
' mz   = modulus of z at iteration Iter
' dz   = derivative at iteration Iter

  if Iter = Max_Iter then return &HFFFFFF

  dim as double  lmz, mdz, Dist, Dwell, DScale, Angle, Radius, Q, H, S, V
  dim as integer R, G, B
  lmz = log(mz)
  mdz = CAbs(dz)
  ' Determine Value (luminosity) from Distance Estimator
  V = 1
  if mdz > 0 then
    Dist = pp * mz * lmz / mdz
    DScale = log(Dist / ScaleFact) / Lnp + Dist_Fact
    if DScale < -8 then
      V = 0
    elseif DScale < 0 then
      V = 1 + DScale / 8
    end if
  end if

  ' Determine Hue and Saturation from Continuous Dwell

  Dwell = Iter - log(lmz) / Lnp + LLE
  Q = log(abs(Dwell)) * AbsColor
  if Q < 0.5 then
    Q = 1 - 1.5 * Q
    Angle = 1 - Q
    Q = 1.5 * Q - 0.5
    Angle = Q
  end if
  Radius = sqr(Q)
  if (Iter mod 2 = 1) and (Color_Fact > 0) then
    V = 0.85 * V
    Radius = 0.667 * Radius
  end if
  H = frac(Angle * 10)
  S = frac(Radius)
  HSVtoRGB H * 360, S, V, R, G, B
  return rgb(R, G, B)

end function


  • Hans Lundmark page[13]

Color model


Types :

  • RGB is for the display
  • CMYK is for printing
  • other ( HSV, HSL, ...) are for choosing color



#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <complex.h> // http://pubs.opengroup.org/onlinepubs/009604499/basedefs/complex.h.html

based on 
c++ program from :
by  	Claudio Rocchini

gcc d.c -lm -Wall


const double PI = 3.1415926535897932384626433832795;
const double E  = 2.7182818284590452353602874713527;


complex domain coloring 
Given a complex number z=re^{ i \theta},

hue represents the argument ( phase, theta ),

sat and value represents the modulus

int GiveHSV( double complex z, double HSVcolor[3] )
 //The HSV, or HSB, model describes colors in terms of hue, saturation, and value (brightness).
 // hue = f(argument(z))
 //hue values range from .. to ..
 double a = carg(z); //
 while(a<0) a += 2*PI; a /= 2*PI;

 // radius of z
 double m = cabs(z); // 
 double ranges = 0;
 double rangee = 1;
   ranges = rangee;
   rangee *= E;
 double k = (m-ranges)/(rangee-ranges);

 // saturation = g(abs(z))
 double sat = k<0.5 ? k*2: 1 - (k-0.5)*2;
 sat = 1 - pow( (1-sat), 3); 
 sat = 0.4 + sat*0.6;

 // value = h(abs(z))
 double val = k<0.5 ? k*2: 1 - (k-0.5)*2; 
   val = 1 - val;
   val = 1 - pow( (1-val), 3); 
   val = 0.6 + val*0.4;
 HSVcolor[0]= a;
 HSVcolor[1]= sat;
 HSVcolor[2]= val;
return 0;
int GiveRGBfromHSV( double HSVcolor[3], unsigned char RGBcolor[3] ) {
        double r,g,b;
        double h; double s; double v;
        h=HSVcolor[0]; // hue 
        s=HSVcolor[1]; //  saturation;
        v = HSVcolor[2]; // = value;

                r = g = b = v;
        else {
                if(h==1) h = 0;
                double z = floor(h*6); 
                int i = (int)z;
                double f = (h*6 - z);
                double p = v*(1-s);
                double q = v*(1-s*f);
                double t = v*(1-s*(1-f));
                        case 0: r=v; g=t; b=p; break;
                        case 1: r=q; g=v; b=p; break;
                        case 2: r=p; g=v; b=t; break;
                        case 3: r=p; g=q; b=v; break;
                        case 4: r=t; g=p; b=v; break;
                        case 5: r=v; g=p; b=q; break;
        int c;
        c = (int)(256*r); if(c>255) c = 255; RGBcolor[0] = c;
        c = (int)(256*g); if(c>255) c = 255; RGBcolor[1] = c;
        c = (int)(256*b); if(c>255) c = 255; RGBcolor[2] = c;
  return 0;

int GiveRGBColor( double complex z, unsigned char RGBcolor[3])
  static double HSVcolor[3];
  GiveHSV( z, HSVcolor );
  return 0;

double complex fun(double complex c ){
  return (cpow(c,2)-1)*cpow(c-2.0- I,2)/(cpow(c,2)+2+2*I);} // 
int main(){
        // screen (integer ) coordinate
        const int dimx = 800; const int dimy = 800;
        // world ( double) coordinate
        const double reMin = -2; const double reMax =  2;
        const double imMin = -2; const double imMax =  2;
        double stepX=(imMax-imMin)/(dimy-1);
        double stepY=(reMax-reMin)/(dimx-1);
        static unsigned char RGBcolor[3];
        FILE * fp;
        char *filename ="complex.ppm";
        fp = fopen(filename,"wb");
        fprintf(fp,"P6\n%d %d\n255\n",dimx,dimy);

        int i,j;
                double im = imMax - j*stepX;
                        double re = reMax - i*stepY;
                        double complex z= re + im*I; // 
                        double complex v = fun(z); //     
                        GiveRGBColor( v, RGBcolor);
        printf("OK - file %s saved\n", filename);

        return 0;

In Basic :

' /panomand/src/dll/hsvtorgb.bas
' https://www.unilim.fr/pages_perso/jean.debord/panoramic/mandel/panoramic_mandel.htm
' PANOMAND is an open source software for plotting Mandelbrot and Julia sets. It is written in two BASIC dialects: PANORAMIC and FreeBASIC
' by Jean Debord
sub HSVtoRGB(byref H as double,  _
             byref S as double,  _
             byref V as double,  _
             byref R as integer, _
             byref G as integer, _
             byref B as integer)

' Convert RGB to HSV
' Adapted from http://www.cs.rit.edu/~ncs/color/t_convert.html
' R, G, B values are from 0 to 255
' H = [0..360], S = [0..1], V = [0..1]
' if S = 0, then H = -1 (undefined)

  if S = 0 then  ' achromatic (grey)
    R = V * 255
    G = R
    B = R
    exit sub
  end if

  dim as integer I
  dim as double  Z, F, P, Q, T
  dim as double  RR, GG, BB
  Z = H / 60     ' sector 0 to 5
  I = int(Z)
  F = frac(Z)
  P = V * (1 - S)
  Q = V * (1 - S * F)
  T = V * (1 - S * (1 - F))

  select case I
    case 0
      RR = V
      GG = T
      BB = P
    case 1
      RR = Q
      GG = V
      BB = P
    case 2
      RR = P
      GG = V
      BB = T
    case 3
      RR = P
      GG = Q
      BB = V
    case 4
      RR = T
      GG = P
      BB = V
    case 5
      RR = V
      GG = P
      BB = Q
  end select

  R = RR * 255
  G = GG * 255
  B = BB * 255
end sub


One can use any function in each segment of gradient. Output of function is scaled to range of color component.

Number of colors

Number of color is determined by color depth : from 2 colors to 16 mln of colors.

Repetition and offset

Direct repetition :

Color is proportional to position <0;1> of color in color gradient. if position > 1 then we have repetition of colors. it maybe useful

Mirror repetition  :

"colorCycleMirror - This will reflect the colour gradient so that it cycles smoothly " [14]

Offset :

How to use color gradients in computer programs

Palette graphics, palette replacement mechanism

First find what format of color you need in your program.[15][16]

Ways of making gradient :

  • gradient functions
  • gradient files
    • A colour look-up table (CLUT)[17] ) color map, palette
    • palette [18][19]
    • mixed [20]

CLUT image

One can use CLUT image a a source of the gradient[21]

  convert input.pgm -level 0,65532 clut.ppm -interpolate integer -clut -depth 8 output.png

CLUT Array


# http://jtauber.com/blog/2008/05/18/creating_gradients_programmatically_in_python/
# Creating Gradients Programmatically in Python by James Tauber

import sys

def write_png(filename, width, height, rgb_func):
    import zlib
    import struct
    import array
    def output_chunk(out, chunk_type, data):
        out.write(struct.pack("!I", len(data)))
        checksum = zlib.crc32(data, zlib.crc32(chunk_type))
        out.write(struct.pack("!I", checksum))
    def get_data(width, height, rgb_func):
        fw = float(width)
        fh = float(height)
        compressor = zlib.compressobj()
        data = array.array("B")
        for y in range(height):
            fy = float(y)
            for x in range(width):
                fx = float(x)
                data.extend([int(v * 255) for v in rgb_func(fx / fw, fy / fh)])
        compressed = compressor.compress(data.tostring())
        flushed = compressor.flush()
        return compressed + flushed
    out = open(filename, "w")
    out.write(struct.pack("8B", 137, 80, 78, 71, 13, 10, 26, 10))
    output_chunk(out, "IHDR", struct.pack("!2I5B", width, height, 8, 2, 0, 0, 0))
    output_chunk(out, "IDAT", get_data(width, height, rgb_func))
    output_chunk(out, "IEND", "")

def linear_gradient(start_value, stop_value, start_offset=0.0, stop_offset=1.0):
    return lambda offset: (start_value + ((offset - start_offset) / (stop_offset - start_offset) * (stop_value - start_value))) / 255.0

def gradient(DATA):
    def gradient_function(x, y):
        initial_offset = 0.0
        for offset, start, end in DATA:
            if y < offset:
                r = linear_gradient(start[0], end[0], initial_offset, offset)(y)
                g = linear_gradient(start[1], end[1], initial_offset, offset)(y)
                b = linear_gradient(start[2], end[2], initial_offset, offset)(y)
                return r, g, b
            initial_offset = offset
    return gradient_function


# normally you would make these with width=1 but below I've made them 50
# so you can more easily see the result

# body background from jtauber.com and quisition.com
write_png("test1.png", 50, 143, gradient([
    (1.0, (0xA1, 0xA1, 0xA1), (0xDF, 0xDF, 0xDF)),

# header background similar to that on jtauber.com
write_png("test2.png", 50, 90, gradient([
    (0.43, (0xBF, 0x94, 0xC0), (0x4C, 0x26, 0x4C)), # top
    (0.85, (0x4C, 0x26, 0x4C), (0x27, 0x13, 0x27)), # bottom
    (1.0,  (0x66, 0x66, 0x66), (0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF)), # shadow

# header background from pinax
write_png("test3.png", 50, 80, gradient([
    (0.72, (0x00, 0x26, 0x4D), (0x00, 0x40, 0x80)),
    (1.0,  (0x00, 0x40, 0x80), (0x00, 0x6C, 0xCF)), # glow

# form input background from pinax
write_png("test4.png", 50, 25, gradient([
    (0.33, (0xDD, 0xDD, 0xDD), (0xF3, 0xF3, 0xF3)), # top-shadow
    (1.0,  (0xF3, 0xF3, 0xF3), (0xF3, 0xF3, 0xF3)),


# Perl code
# http://www.angelfire.com/d20/roll_d3_for_this/mandel-highorder/mandel-high.pl
# from perl High-order Mandelbrot program.
# Written by Christopher Thomas.
# Picture palette info.

my ($palsize);
my (@palette);

# Light/dark colour banded palette.
# NOTE: This looks ugly, probably because the dark colours look muddy.
$palsize = 16;
@palette =
  ( "  255   0   0", "    0 112 112", "  255 128   0", "    0   0 128",
    "  224 224   0", "   64   0  96", "    0 255   0", "   96   0  64",
    "    0 224 224", "  128   0   0", "    0   0 255", "  128  64   0",
    "  128   0 192", "  112 112   0", "  192   0 128", "    0 128   0" );
# 8-colour rainbow palette.
$palsize = 8;
@palette =
  ( "  255   0   0", "  255 128   0",
    "  224 224   0", "    0 255   0",
    "    0 224 224", "    0   0 255",
    "  128   0 192", "  192   0 128" );

Conversions :

  • between FractInt and Fractal eXtreme palettes [22]


Gradient functions


  • coloring function


RGB profiles of the color palette in gnuplot

Examples :

HSV gradient

  • explanation by Robert P. Munafo[34]
  • Basic code and images by Jean Debord[35]
  • c programs by Curtis T McMullen [36]

Linear RGB gradient with 6 segments

Rainbow gradient

Here gradient consists from 6 segments. In each segment only one RGB component of color is changed using linear function.

Delphi version

// Delphi version by Witold J.Janik with help Andrzeja Wąsika from [pl.comp.lang.delphi]
//  [i] changes from [iMin] to [iMax]

function GiveRainbowColor(iMin, iMax, i: Integer): TColor;
  m: Double;
  r, g, b, mt: Byte;
  m := (i - iMin)/(iMax - iMin + 1) * 6;
  mt := (round(frac(m)*$FF));
  case Trunc(m) of
  0: begin
      R := $FF;
      G := mt;
      B := 0;
  1: begin
      R := $FF - mt;
      G := $FF;
      B := 0;
  2: begin
      R := 0;
      G := $FF;
      B := mt;
  3: begin
      R := 0;
      G := $FF - mt;
      B := $FF;
  4: begin
      R := mt;
      G := 0;
      B := $FF;
  5: begin
      R := $FF;
      G := 0;
      B := $FF - mt;
end; // case

  Result := rgb(R,G,B);

C version

Input of function are 2 variables :

  • position of color in gradient, (a normalized float between 0.0 and 1.0 )
  • color as an array of RGB components ( integer without sign from 0 to 255 )

This function does not use direct outoput ( void) but changes input variables color. One can use it this way:

/* based on Delphi function by Witold J.Janik */
void GiveRainbowColor(double position,unsigned char c[])
  /* if position > 1 then we have repetition of colors it maybe useful    */
  if (position>1.0){if (position-(int)position==0.0)position=1.0; else position=position-(int)position;}
  unsigned char nmax=6; /* number of color segments */
  double m=nmax* position;
  int n=(int)m; // integer of m
  double f=m-n;  // fraction of m
  unsigned char t=(int)(f*255);

switch( n){
   case 0: {
      c[0] = 255;
      c[1] = t;
      c[2] = 0;
   case 1: {
      c[0] = 255 - t;
      c[1] = 255;
      c[2] = 0;
   case 2: {
      c[0] = 0;
      c[1] = 255;
      c[2] = t;
   case 3: {
      c[0] = 0;
      c[1] = 255 - t;
      c[2] = 255;
   case 4: {
      c[0] = t;
      c[1] = 0;
      c[2] = 255;
   case 5: {
      c[0] = 255;
      c[1] = 0;
      c[2] = 255 - t;
    default: {
      c[0] = 255;
      c[1] = 0;
      c[2] = 0;

}; // case

Cpp version

// C++ version
// here are some my modification but the main code is the same 
// as in Witold J.Janik code

Uint32 GiveRainbowColor(double position)

// this function gives 1D linear RGB color gradient 
// color is proportional to position 
// position  <0;1> 
// position means position of color in color gradient

  if (position>1)position=position-int(position);
  // if position > 1 then we have repetition of colors
  // it maybe useful
  Uint8 R, G, B;// byte
  int nmax=6;// number of color bars
  double m=nmax* position;
  int n=int(m); // integer of m
  double f=m-n;  // fraction of m
  Uint8 t=int(f*255);
switch( n){
   case 0: {
      R = 255;
      G = t;
      B = 0;
   case 1: {
      R = 255 - t;
      G = 255;
      B = 0;
   case 2: {
      R = 0;
      G = 255;
      B = t;
   case 3: {
      R = 0;
      G = 255 - t;
      B = 255;
   case 4: {
      R = t;
      G = 0;
      B = 255;
   case 5: {
      R = 255;
      G = 0;
      B = 255 - t;

}; // case

  return (R << 16) | (G << 8) | B;

Sine based gradient

"The idea is to change the color based on a sine wave. This gives a nice smooth gradient effect (although it’s not linear, which is not a requirement anyway). By changing the frequency of the RGB components (we could theoretically work with other color spaces such as HSV) we can get various gradients. Also, we can also play with the phase of each color component, creating a “shifting” effect. The basic implementation of such a gradient can be implemented like so:"


public Color[] GenerateColors(int number) {
    var colors = new List<Color>(number);
    double step = MaxAngle / number;
    for(int i = 0; i < number; ++i) {
        var r = (Math.Sin(FreqRed * i * step + PhaseRed) + 1) * .5;
        var g = (Math.Sin(FreqGreen * i * step + PhaseGreen) + 1) * .5;
        var b = (Math.Sin(FreqBlue * i * step + PhaseBlue) + 1) * .5;
        colors.Add(Color.FromRgb((byte)(r * 255), (byte)(g * 255), (byte)(b * 255)));
    return colors.ToArray();


  • the Freq* are the frequencies of the respective RGB colors
  • Phase* are the phase shift values.

Note that all calculations are done with floating point numbers (ranging from 0.0 to 1.0), converting to a WPF Color structure (in this case) at the very end. This is simply convenient, as we’re working with trigonometric functions, which like floating point numbers rather than integers. The result is normalized to the range 0 to 1, as the sine function produces results from –1 to 1, so we add one to get a range of 0 to 2 and finally divide by 2 to get to the desired range."[37]


cubehelix gradient

 GNUPLOT - stdfn.h 
 Copyright 1986 - 1993, 1998, 2004   Thomas Williams, Colin Kelley 
#ifndef clip_to_01
#define clip_to_01(val)	\
    ((val) < 0 ? 0 : (val) > 1 ? 1 : (val))

 input : position
 output : c array ( rgb color)
the colour scheme spirals (as a squashed helix) around the diagonal of the RGB colour cube 

A colour scheme for the display of astronomical intensity images by D. A. Green 
void GiveCubehelixColor(double position, unsigned char c[]){

	/* GNUPLOT - color.h 
	 * Petr Mikulik, December 1998 -- June 1999
	 * Copyright: open source as much as possible

	// t_sm_palette 
  	/* gamma for gray scale and cubehelix palettes only */
  	double gamma = 1.5;

  	/* control parameters for the cubehelix palette scheme */
  	//set palette cubehelix start 0.5 cycles -1.5 saturation 1
	//set palette gamma 1.5
  	double cubehelix_start = 0.5;	/* offset (radians) from colorwheel 0 */
  	double cubehelix_cycles = -1.5;	/* number of times round the colorwheel */
  	double cubehelix_saturation = 1.0;	/* color saturation */
	double r,g,b;
	double gray = position; 

 	 Petr Mikulik, December 1998 -- June 1999
 	* Copyright: open source as much as possible
	// /* Map gray in [0,1] to color components according to colorMode */
	// function color_components_from_gray
	// from gnuplot/src/getcolor.c
	double phi, a;
	phi = 2. * M_PI * (cubehelix_start/3. +  gray * cubehelix_cycles);
	// gamma correction
	if (gamma != 1.0)    gray = pow(gray, 1./gamma);
	a = cubehelix_saturation * gray * (1.-gray) / 2.;
	// compute
	r = gray + a * (-0.14861 * cos(phi) + 1.78277 * sin(phi));
	g = gray + a * (-0.29227 * cos(phi) - 0.90649 * sin(phi));
	b = gray + a * ( 1.97294 * cos(phi));
	// normalize to [9,1] range
	r = clip_to_01(r);
	g = clip_to_01(g);
	b = clip_to_01(b);
	// change range to [0,255]
  	c[0] = (unsigned char) 255*r; //R
  	c[1] = (unsigned char) 255*g; // G
  	c[2] = (unsigned char) 255*b; // B	


Gradient files

  • Color Look-Up Table (CLUT)

File types for color gradient

There are special file types for color gradients:[38]

  • The GIMP uses the files with .ggr extension [39]
  • Fractint uses .map files [40]
  • UltraFractal uses .ugr - These files can contain multiple gradients
  • ual - old Ultra Fractal gradient file
  • rgb, pal, gpf - gnuplot files
  • The Matplotlib[41] colormap[42] is a lookup table[43]
  • csv files
  • maps in WHIP format ( Autodesk) by Paul Bourke
  • Gnofract4D saves gradients only inside the graphic file, not as separate file.[44]
  • MatLab
  • Python
  • R
  • GMT
  • QGIS
  • Ncview
  • Ferret
  • Plotly
  • Paraview
  • VisIt
  • Mathematica
  • Surfer
  • d3
  • Petrel
  • Fledermaus
  • Qimera
  • ImageJ
  • Fiji
  • Inkscape

csv files

a small table containing 33 values ( stored in a csv file) by Kenneth Moreland[45]

Scalar	R	G	B
0	59	76	192
0.03125	68	90	204
0.0625	77	104	215
0.09375	87	117	225
0.125	98	130	234
0.15625	108	142	241
0.1875	119	154	247
0.21875	130	165	251
0.25	141	176	254
0.28125	152	185	255
0.3125	163	194	255
0.34375	174	201	253
0.375	184	208	249
0.40625	194	213	244
0.4375	204	217	238
0.46875	213	219	230
0.5	221	221	221
0.53125	229	216	209
0.5625	236	211	197
0.59375	241	204	185
0.625	245	196	173
0.65625	247	187	160
0.6875	247	177	148
0.71875	247	166	135
0.75	244	154	123
0.78125	241	141	111
0.8125	236	127	99
0.84375	229	112	88
0.875	222	96	77
0.90625	213	80	66
0.9375	203	62	56
0.96875	192	40	47
1	180	4	38

CSS syntax

Fractint map files

The default filetype extension for color-map files is ".MAP". These are ASCII text files. Consist of a series of RGB triplet values (one triplet per line, encoded as the red, green, and blue [RGB] components of the color). Color map ( or palette) is used as a colour look-up table[46] Default color map is in the Default.map file :

0 0 0            The default VGA color map
0 0 168
0 168 0
0 168 168
168 0 0
168 0 168
168 84 0
168 168 168
84 84 84
84 84 252
84 252 84
84 252 252
252 84 84
252 84 252
252 252 84
252 252 252
0 0 0
20 20 20
32 32 32
44 44 44
56 56 56
68 68 68
80 80 80
96 96 96
112 112 112
128 128 128
144 144 144
160 160 160
180 180 180
200 200 200
224 224 224
252 252 252
0 0 252
64 0 252
124 0 252
188 0 252
252 0 252
252 0 188
252 0 124
252 0 64
252 0 0
252 64 0
252 124 0
252 188 0
252 252 0
188 252 0
124 252 0
64 252 0
0 252 0
0 252 64
0 252 124
0 252 188
0 252 252
0 188 252
0 124 252
0 64 252
124 124 252
156 124 252
188 124 252
220 124 252
252 124 252
252 124 220
252 124 188
252 124 156
252 124 124
252 156 124
252 188 124
252 220 124
252 252 124
220 252 124
188 252 124
156 252 124
124 252 124
124 252 156
124 252 188
124 252 220
124 252 252
124 220 252
124 188 252
124 156 252
180 180 252
196 180 252
216 180 252
232 180 252
252 180 252
252 180 232
252 180 216
252 180 196
252 180 180
252 196 180
252 216 180
252 232 180
252 252 180
232 252 180
216 252 180
196 252 180
180 252 180
180 252 196
180 252 216
180 252 232
180 252 252
180 232 252
180 216 252
180 196 252
0 0 112
28 0 112
56 0 112
84 0 112
112 0 112
112 0 84
112 0 56
112 0 28
112 0 0
112 28 0
112 56 0
112 84 0
112 112 0
84 112 0
56 112 0
28 112 0
0 112 0
0 112 28
0 112 56
0 112 84
0 112 112
0 84 112
0 56 112
0 28 112
56 56 112
68 56 112
84 56 112
96 56 112
112 56 112
112 56 96
112 56 84
112 56 68
112 56 56
112 68 56
112 84 56
112 96 56
112 112 56
96 112 56
84 112 56
68 112 56
56 112 56
56 112 68
56 112 84
56 112 96
56 112 112
56 96 112
56 84 112
56 68 112
80 80 112
88 80 112
96 80 112
104 80 112
112 80 112
112 80 104
112 80 96
112 80 88
112 80 80
112 88 80
112 96 80
112 104 80
112 112 80
104 112 80
96 112 80
88 112 80
80 112 80
80 112 88
80 112 96
80 112 104
80 112 112
80 104 112
80 96 112
80 88 112
0 0 64
16 0 64
32 0 64
48 0 64
64 0 64
64 0 48
64 0 32
64 0 16
64 0 0
64 16 0
64 32 0
64 48 0
64 64 0
48 64 0
32 64 0
16 64 0
0 64 0
0 64 16
0 64 32
0 64 48
0 64 64
0 48 64
0 32 64
0 16 64
32 32 64
40 32 64
48 32 64
56 32 64
64 32 64
64 32 56
64 32 48
64 32 40
64 32 32
64 40 32
64 48 32
64 56 32
64 64 32
56 64 32
48 64 32
40 64 32
32 64 32
32 64 40
32 64 48
32 64 56
32 64 64
32 56 64
32 48 64
32 40 64
44 44 64
48 44 64
52 44 64
60 44 64
64 44 64
64 44 60
64 44 52
64 44 48
64 44 44
64 48 44
64 52 44
64 60 44
64 64 44
60 64 44
52 64 44
48 64 44
44 64 44
44 64 48
44 64 52
44 64 60
44 64 64
44 60 64
44 52 64
44 48 64
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0

Gimp ggr files

"The gradients that are supplied with GIMP are stored in a system gradients folder. By default, gradients that you create are stored in a folder called gradients in your personal GIMP directory. Any gradient files (ending with the extension .ggr) found in one of these folders, will automatically be loaded when you start GIMP" ( from gimp doc ) Default gradients are in /usr/share/gimp/2.0/gradients directory ( check it in a window : Edit/preferences/directories)

Git repo

Gimp gradients can be created thru :

  • GUI [47]
  • manually in text editor ( use predefined gradients as a base)
  • in own programs

Gimp gradient file format is described in:

  • GIMP Application Reference Manual [48]
  • source files :
    • app/gradient.c and app/gradient_header.h for GIMP 1.3 version.[49]
    • gimp-2.6.0/app/core/gimpgradient.c

Gimp Gradient Segment format :

typedef struct {
  gdouble                  left, middle, right;

  GimpGradientColor        left_color_type;
  GimpRGB                  left_color;
  GimpGradientColor        right_color_type;
  GimpRGB                  right_color;

  GimpGradientSegmentType  type;          /*  Segment's blending function  */
  GimpGradientSegmentColor color;         /*  Segment's coloring type      */

  GimpGradientSegment     *prev;
  GimpGradientSegment     *next;
} GimpGradientSegment;

In GimpConfig style format:[50]

# GIMP Gradient file

(GimpGradient "Abstract 1"
        (segment 0.000000 0.286311 0.572621
                (left-color (gimp-rgba 0.269543 0.259267 1.000000 1.000000))
                (right-color (gimp-rgba 0.215635 0.407414 0.984953 1.000000))
                (blending-function linear)
                (coloring-type rgb))
        (segment ...)
        (segment ...))


GIMP Gradient
Name: GMT_hot
0.000000 0.187500 0.375000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0 0
0.375000 0.562500 0.750000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0 0
0.750000 0.875000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 0.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 0 0

First line says it is a gimp gradient file.

Second line is a gradient's name.

Third line tells the number of segments in the gradient.

Each line following defines the property of each segment in following order :"[52]

  • position of left stoppoint
  • position of middle point
  • position of right stoppoint
  • R for left stoppoint
  • G for left stoppoint
  • B for left stoppoint
  • A for left stoppoint
  • R for right stoppoint
  • G for right stoppoint
  • B for right stoppoint
  • A for right stoppoint
  • Blending function constant
  • coloring type constant

There are only two constants at the end of each line:

  • the blending function constant of the segment (apparently 0=Linear, 1=Curved, 2=Sinusoidal, 3=Spherical (increasing), 4=Spherical (decreasing))
  • the coloring type constant of the segment (probably 0=RGB, 1=HSV (counter-clockwise hue), 2=HSV (clockwise hue)[53]


Collections of gradients / colormaps



Test your :

  • monitor ( gamut)
  • graphic card
  • printer
  • own

Test your color abilities

How to choose color gradient ?

How to render light spectrum?

How to read(pick) color from the image ?

How to extract color palette from image ?

  • Colores.py—extract color palettes from your favorite images [56]
  • Color Scheme Extraction[57]
  • using Image Magic [58]
  • using Gimp [59]

How to find lighter and darker colors based on any initial color ?

  // darker by C. Wayne Brown
  newR = R + (0-R)*t;  // where t varies between 0 and 1
  newG = G + (0-G)*t;  // where t varies between 0 and 1
  newB = B + (0-B)*t;  // where t varies between 0 and 1
  // lighter C. Wayne Brown
  newR = R + (1-R)*t;  // where t varies between 0 and 1
  newG = G + (1-G)*t;  // where t varies between 0 and 1
  newB = B + (1-B)*t;  // where t varies between 0 and 1

How to remove gradient banding ?

How to generate and refine palettes of optimally distinct colors

Gradient contours

  • description by Alan Gibson.[60]

Examples of beatiful gradients

See also


  1. Basic Mapping Techniques from Computer Graphics Laboratory Department of Computer Science Zürich Switzerland
  2. pyxplot : color objects
  3. kitware : using-the-color-map-editor-in-paraview by Utkarsh Ayachit
  4. kitware : using-the-color-map-editor-in-paraview by Utkarsh Ayachit
  5. Visualization of Scalar Fields from IBBM
  6. santesoft : The Transfer Function technique
  7. dsp.stackexchange question: why-do-we-use-the-hsv-colour-space-so-often-in-vision-and-image-processing
  8. R2.1/2.C(1/2) by Robert Munafo
  9. Color by Robert Munafo
  10. Mandelbrot and Julia sets with PANORAMIC and FreeBASIC By jdebord
  11. The Mandelbrot Function by John J. G. Savard
  12. The Mandelbrot Function 2 by John J. G. Savard
  13. Visualizing complex analytic functions using domain coloring by Hans Lundmark
  14. The Fractal Explorer Pixel Bender filters by Tom Beddard
  15. What's Delphi TColor format? at ACASystems
  16. Delhi TColor at efg2.com
  17. wikipedia :Colour_look-up_table
  18. fractalforums : creating-a-good-palette-using-bezier-interpolation
  19. FracTest : palettes
  20. stefanbion : fraktal-generator and colormapping/
  21. Paul Tol's notes
  22. Fractal Forums > Fractal Software > Fractal Programs > Windows Fractal Software > Fractal eXtreme > Converting between FractInt and Fractal eXtreme palettes
  23. stackoverflow question : smooth-spectrum-for-mandelbrot-set-rendering
  24. on-rainbows by Charlie Loyd
  25. Stefan Bion : color mapping
  26. stackoverflow question : which-color-gradient-is-used-to-color-mandelbrot-in-wikipedia
  27. Making annoying rainbows in javascript A tutorial by jim bumgardner
  28. mandel.js by Christopher Williams
  29. Custom Palettes by Christopher Williams
  30. Gradient jQuery plugin Posted by David Wees
  31. C++ function by Richel Bilderbeek
  32. Multiwave coloring for Mandelbrot
  33. histogram colouring is really streching (not true histogram)
  34. Color by Robert Munafo
  35. Mandelbrot and Julia sets with PANORAMIC and FreeBASIC By Jean Debord
  36. c programs by Curtis T McMullen
  37. color-gradient-generator by Pavel
  38. Color gradient file formats explained
  39. GIMP add-ons: types, installation, management by Alexandre Prokoudine
  40. Fractint Palette Maps and map files
  41. matplotlib: colormap-manipulation
  42. matplotlib colormaps
  43. wikipedia: Lookup table
  44. gnofract4d manual
  45. kenneth moreland: color-maps
  46. w:Colour look-up table
  47. gimp-gradient-editor-dialog doc
  48. GimpGradient doc at GIMP Application Reference Manual
  49. [Gimp-developer] Format of GIMP gradient files
  50. [Gimp-developer] Format of GIMP gradient files
  51. [Gimp-developer] Format of GIMP gradient files
  52. gpr format description by Vinay S Raikar
  53. Emulating ggr/GIMP gradient in JavaFx
  54. CCC-Tool
  55. imagemagick : gradient
  56. extract color palletes from your favorite images by John Mangual
  57. algorithmia : create-a-custom-color-scheme-from-your-favorite-website/
  58. ImageMagick v6 Examples -- Color Quantization and Dithering
  59. Tool to extract palette / color table from image
  60. gradint contours by Alan Gibson
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