< Category Theory

Definition (subcategory):

Let be a category. Then a subcategory of is a category such that and .

Definition (full):

A subcategory of a category is called full iff for all , we have


Proposition (limits are preserved when restricting to a full subcategory):

Let be a category, let be a diagram in , and let be a full subcategory of . Suppose that is a limit over in such that and all targets of the are in . Then is a limit over in .

Proof: Certainly, the underlying cone of is contained within , because the subcategory is full. Now let another cone in over the diagram (which, analogously, is a diagram in ) be given. By the universal property of in , there exists a unique morphism which satisfies for all . Since is full, is in .

Analogously, we have:

Proposition (colimits are preserved when restricting to a full subcategory):

Let be a category, let be a diagram in , and let be a full subcategory of . Suppose that is a colimit over in such that and all domains of the are in . Then is a colimit over in .

Proof: This follows from its "dual" proposition, reversing all arrows in its statement and proof except the direction of the diagram functor.

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