


→ voir trans- et lingual.



  1. (Linguistique) Multilingue, qui existe en plusieurs langues.
    • The nose’s comic potency is enhanced by the Indo-European rootedness of its own name, securing it a pivotal role in translingual games.  (English Comedy, Cordner, Holland & Kerrigan (eds), 1994)
  2. Translingue, qui veut dire la même chose dans toutes les langues, on dit aussi transparent ou universel.
    • No is the translingual symbol for the chemistry element nobelium.
  3. Plurilingue, polyglotte, qui contient plusieurs langues dans un même texte.
    • Darien can make translingual jokes […]  (Georges Darien: Robbery and Private Enterprise, W. Redfern, 1985)
  4. Multilingue, qui fonctionne avec plusieurs langages informatiques.
    • This receiver, as translator, then performs a kind of “translingual transfer” to encode in a second language a new message that is intended to “mean the same”…  (Translated: Papers on Literary Translation and Translation Studies, James S. Holmes, 1986)
  5. (Médecine) Qui concerne toute la langue.
    • Simultaneous recordings of the translingual potential and integrated neural response of the rat.  (Chem. Senses, Hech, Welter & DeSimone, 1985)
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