pay a visit



→ voir pay et visit.

Locution verbale

pay a visit (to)

  1. Rendre visite (à).
    • The Queen accompanies the King on official state visits abroad, and she participates when foreign heads of state pay official visits to Norway. (...) Every year the King and Queen usually pay a visit to a county in Norway.  (Det Norske Kongehus [site officiel de la famille royale norvégienne], « Her Majesty Queen Sonja »., 17 mars 2017.)
  2. (Familier) (Par euphémisme) Aller aux toilettes (par abréviation de pay a visit to the lavatory).


Aller aux toilettes :

  • go to the bathroom
  • go to the restroom
  • go to the toilet
  • go to the washroom
  • go upstairs
  • retire
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