
See also: 遗留


to lose; to leave behind
leave (message); to retain; to stay; to remain; to keep; to preserve
trad. (遺留)
simp. (遗留)
anagram 留遺留遗




  1. to hand down (to the next generation); to leave behind (a legacy)
    男尊女卑封建社會遺留下來思想觀念錯誤認為男人女人高貴 [MSC, trad.]
    男尊女卑封建社会遗留下来思想观念错误认为男人女人高贵 [MSC, simp.]
    Nánzūnnǚbēi shì fēngjiànshèhuì yíliú xiàlái de sīxiǎng guānniàn, tā cuòwù de rènwèi nánrén bǐ nǚrén gāoguì. [Pinyin]
    The ideology of male domination and female subordination is handed down from feudal society and wrongly holds that males are nobler than females.
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