


しょうじ (rōmaji shōji)

  1. 商事: commercial affairs
  2. 障子: paper sliding-door, shoji
  3. 省字: simplification of a kanji
  4. 荘司: administrator of a manor
  5. 消磁: demagnetization, degaussing
  6. 小路: lane, alley
  7. 正治: Shouji era
  8. 小事: trifle
  9. 少時: one's early days; little while
  10. 生死: (Buddhist) samsara; death
  11. 精進: concentration, diligence, devotion; asceticism

Proper noun

しょうじ (katakana ショウジ, rōmaji Shōji)

  1. 庄司, 荘司, 東海林: A surname.
  2. 昌司, 祥次, 正志, 昭治, 昇治, 昭二, 翔治, 正二: A male given name
  3. 昭司, 庄司, 省二, 祥司, 祥二, 正治, 荘司: A male given name
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