

Alternative forms


ᨷᩥᨲᩁ᩺ m

  1. Tai Tham script form of pitar (“father”)
    • 2005, บุญคิด วัชรศาสตร์, ภาษาเมืองล้านนา [The Language of Mueang Lanna] (in Thai), Chiang Mai: Tharatong Print Shop, →ISBN, page 192:
      (᪔) ᨾᩣᨲᩣᨷᩥᨲᩣ ᩈᩩᨡᩥᨲᩣ ᩉᩮᩣᨶ᩠ᨲᩩ ᨴᩩᨠ᩠ᨡᨷ᩠ᨷᨾᩩᨬ᩠ᨩᨶ᩠ᨲᩩ.
      (4) mātāpitā sukhitā hontu dukkhappamunjantu*.
      *Treated as a mistake for 'dukkhā pamuncantu
      (4) May mother and father be happy and may they be relased from all suffering.


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