


Uncertain. Usually connected with Old Armenian հաստ (hast, firm, steady, standing still, tough; thick, dense, broad) and Proto-Germanic *fastuz (fixed, firm, secure), and derived from Proto-Indo-European *pastV- (solid, stable), implying "stable habitation".

Martirosyan derives it from a non-Indo-European substrate word shared by Armenian, Germanic, possibly also Indo-Aryan. See հաստ (hast) for more.

Kroonen separates Sanskrit from Armenian and Germanic and hypothesizes a derivation from Proto-Indo-European *h₂po-sth₂-io.


पस्त्य (pastyá) n

  1. stall, stable (as the back-building?)


Neuter a-stem declension of पस्त्य
Nom. sg. पस्त्यम् (pastyam)
Gen. sg. पस्त्यस्य (pastyasya)
Singular Dual Plural
Nominative पस्त्यम् (pastyam) पस्त्ये (pastye) पस्त्यानि (pastyāni)
Vocative पस्त्य (pastya) पस्त्ये (pastye) पस्त्यानि (pastyāni)
Accusative पस्त्यम् (pastyam) पस्त्ये (pastye) पस्त्यानि (pastyāni)
Instrumental पस्त्येन (pastyena) पस्त्याभ्याम् (pastyābhyām) पस्त्यैः (pastyaiḥ)
Dative पस्त्याय (pastyāya) पस्त्याभ्याम् (pastyābhyām) पस्त्येभ्यः (pastyebhyaḥ)
Ablative पस्त्यात् (pastyāt) पस्त्याभ्याम् (pastyābhyām) पस्त्येभ्यः (pastyebhyaḥ)
Genitive पस्त्यस्य (pastyasya) पस्त्ययोः (pastyayoḥ) पस्त्यानाम् (pastyānām)
Locative पस्त्ये (pastye) पस्त्ययोः (pastyayoḥ) पस्त्येषु (pastyeṣu)


  • Monier Williams (1899), पस्त्य”, in A Sanskrit–English Dictionary, [], new edition, Oxford: At the Clarendon Press, OCLC 458052227, page 0612.
  • Mayrhofer, Manfred (1996) Etymologisches Wörterbuch des Altindoarischen [Etymological Dictionary of Old Indo-Aryan] (in German), volume II, Heidelberg: Carl Winter Universitätsverlag, page 111
  • Mallory, J. P.; Adams, D. Q., editors (1997) Encyclopedia of Indo-European culture, London, Chicago: Fitzroy Dearborn Publishers, page 204b
  • Martirosyan, Hrach (2010), “hast”, in Etymological Dictionary of the Armenian Inherited Lexicon (Leiden Indo-European Etymological Dictionary Series; 8), Leiden, Boston: Brill, page 390
  • Kroonen, Guus (2013), “*fastu-”, in Etymological Dictionary of Proto-Germanic (Leiden Indo-European Etymological Dictionary Series; 11), Leiden, Boston: Brill, page 138
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