


  • IPA(key): /ˈnɛɡo/


него (négo) m or n (personal)

  1. Full form of the third-person singular masculine pronoun in the accusative case, used as the direct object of a verb; him.
    Всяка година на рождения ден на Петър родителите му водеха него и един негов приятел на кино.
    Vsjaka godina na roždenija den na Petǎr roditelite mu vodeha nego i edin negov prijatel na kino.
    Every year on Peter's birthday, his parents took him and one of his friends out to the cinema.
  2. The third-person singular masculine pronoun in the prepositional case, used as the object of a preposition; him.
    Мразя всичко, свързано с него.
    Mrazja vsičko, svǎrzano s nego.
    I hate everything to do with him.
  3. Full form of the third-person singular neuter pronoun in the accusative case, used as the direct object of a verb; it.
    През дъждовния сезон реката, минаваща през селото, наводнява него и близките земи.
    Prez dǎždovnija sezon rekata, minavašta prez seloto, navodnjava nego i blizkite zemi.
    During the rainy season, the river that goes through the village floods it and the adjacent lands.
  4. The third-person singular neuter pronoun in the prepositional case, used as the object of a preposition; it.
    Не разбирам цялото писмо, само части от него.
    Ne razbiram cjaloto pismo, samo časti ot nego.
    I don't understand the whole letter, just parts of it.



  • IPA(key): /ˈnɛɡɔ/


него (nego)

  1. Long direct object form of тој (toj).

Usage notes

  • This pronoun form often incorrectly replaces the indirect object form "нему".


Alternative forms

  • его́ (jevó) (when not used after a preposition)


  • IPA(key): [nʲɪˈvo] (phonetic respelling: нево́)


него́ (nevó) (when used after a preposition)

  1. genitive of он (on)
  2. accusative of он (on)
  3. genitive of оно́ (onó)
  4. accusative of оно́ (onó)



не- (not) + Proto-Slavic *-go.


  • IPA(key): /nêɡo/
  • Hyphenation: не‧го


не̏го (Latin spelling nȅgo)

  1. (with nominative) than (in comparisons, following the comparative)
    Београд је већи него ЗагребBelgrade is larger than Zagreb
  2. (following a negation) but (see also ве̏ћ)
    он је не само даровит, него и јако марљивhe is not only talented, but also very industrious
    то није црно, него б(иј)елоthat is not black, but white
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