


  • IPA(key): [ɑŋ]
  • Hyphenation: аң (one syllable)

Etymology 1

From Proto-Turkic *āŋ (intelligence).


аң ()

  1. consciousness
    Аңды йәшәйеш билдәләй.
    Añdï yäšäyeš bildäläy.
    Being determines the consciousness.
    Һыуҙан сығарғанда, береһе аңында ине, ә икенсеһе күпләп һыу йотҡан.
    Hïwðan sïğarğanda, berehe añïnda ine, ä ikensehe küpläp hïw yotqan.
    When (they were) taken out of the water, one of them was in consciousness (=conscious), while the other had gulped a lot of water.
  2. mind, intellect
    Тап уҡыу осоронда кешенең аңында донъяға ҡараш нигеҙҙәре барлыҡҡа килә.
    Tap uqïw osoronda kešeneñ añïnda donʺyağa qaraš nigeððäre barlïqqa kilä.
    It is at the time ofeducation that the basics of world outlook form in the human mind.
Derived terms

Etymology 2

From Proto-Turkic *Ăŋ (wild animal).


аң ()

  1. (rare) wild animal
  2. (rare) hunting
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