
See also: yikaah


y- (peg element) + -Ø- (3rd person subject prefix) + -d- (classifier) + -kááh (imperfective stem of root -KAI, “to go — 3+ actors”).



  1. he/she is going (with at least two other people, as part of a group), they (3+) are going

Usage notes

This stem is used for going in group. For individual movement, see yighááh. For movement in pairs, see yiʼaash.

Singular forms of this verb, such as yishkááh, refer to one subject involved in a movement as a group of three or more.


Paradigm: Momentaneous (Ø/yi), with da-shift.

IMPERFECTIVE singular duoplural plural
1st person yishkááh yiikááh deiikááh
2nd person nikááh wohkááh daahkááh
3rd person yikááh daakááh
4th person jikááh dajikááh
PERFECTIVE singular duoplural plural
1st person yishkai yiikai dasiikai
2nd person yíníkai woohkai dasoohkai
3rd person yikai daaskai
4th person jookai dajiskai

Verbal stems

  • PERFECTIVE: -kai
  • FUTURE: -kah
  • ITERATIVE: -kah
  • OPTATIVE: -kááh

See also

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