


winedark (not comparable)

  1. Alternative form of wine-dark
    • 1922 February, James Joyce, Ulysses, Paris: Shakespeare & Co.; Sylvia Beach, OCLC 560090630; republished London: Published for the Egoist Press, London by John Rodker, Paris, October 1922, OCLC 2297483:
      , Episode 12, The Cyclops:
      And our eyes are on Europe, says the citizen. We had our trade with Spain and the French and with the Flemings before those mongrels were pupped, Spanish ale in Galway, the winebark on the winedark waterway.
    • 1961, Harvard Alumni Bulletin, volume 64, page 20:
      Mr. Fitts, who took his A.B. at Harvard in 1925, is Instructor in English at Phillips Academy, Andover.
      Palamedes: A Mystical Colloquy
      Peacock-shooting once on the Essex marshes
      with David McCord, hunched in that cold blind,
      at first my literal mind
      could only gape at what treasure the winedark sea,
      or its winedark inscrutable backwash, had cast up
      at our frozen feet — an inscription, a kind of kenning,
      blazed on an oar-blade: haddock hateth hake.
      'An inscrutable, winedark message ...'
    • 1993, Paul McCartney, Winedark Open Sea, on the album Off The Ground:
      Sailing on a winedark open sea.
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