weekend warrior



1956: First known usage

Title: Military Public Works Construction. Author(s) United States. Congress. Senate. Committee on Armed Services. Subcommittee on Real Estate and Military Construction Publisher U. S. Govt. Print. Page 290: "At Anacostia, the training that is done to naval aviators who are in the Reserve Services, weekend warrior(s) as it were, and they come to Anacostia to get their refresher training."


weekend warrior (plural weekend warriors)

  1. (idiomatic) A person who indulges in a sport or pastime on an infrequent basis, usually on weekends when work commitments are not present.
    The most common foot-related injury I see for the weekend warrior is heel pain.
  2. A part-time soldier, or reservist
    Such was the pace with which I, and many like me, the so called ‘weekend warriors’ or Territorial Army, were hoisted aboard the Gulf War battle wagon.



  • (infrequent participant in sport or pastime): lifestyler
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