


vesi (water) + raja (border)



  1. waterfront (the line that separates a body of water from the dry land, or the land in the immediate vicinity of it)
  2. (nautical) waterline (line formed by the surface of the water on the hull of a ship when she is afloat)
  3. waterline (line showing where the water has been)
  4. (colloquial) The imaginary line at the waist, below which the pubic hair grows.


Inflection of vesiraja (Kotus type 9/kala, no gradation)
nominative vesiraja vesirajat
genitive vesirajan vesirajojen
partitive vesirajaa vesirajoja
illative vesirajaan vesirajoihin
singular plural
nominative vesiraja vesirajat
accusative nom. vesiraja vesirajat
gen. vesirajan
genitive vesirajan vesirajojen
partitive vesirajaa vesirajoja
inessive vesirajassa vesirajoissa
elative vesirajasta vesirajoista
illative vesirajaan vesirajoihin
adessive vesirajalla vesirajoilla
ablative vesirajalta vesirajoilta
allative vesirajalle vesirajoille
essive vesirajana vesirajoina
translative vesirajaksi vesirajoiksi
instructive vesirajoin
abessive vesirajatta vesirajoitta
comitative vesirajoineen
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