


After Velveeta, a brand of processed cheese (itself from velvet), perhaps likening its spreadability to the spreading of a post across newsgroups. Compare spam (junk e-mail) (named after SPAM, brand of processed meat).


velveeta (uncountable)

  1. (Internet, rare) The crossposting of a message to an unreasonably large number of newsgroups.
    • 1996, "The Lone Warrior", Alt.Barney.Dinosaur.Die.Die.Die FAQ (tentative) (on newsgroup alt.barney.dinosaur.die.die.die)
      Massive velveeta and spammage are highly frowned upon.
    • 2002, "edward ohare", The real points? (on newsgroup us.config)
      As a matter of summary the us.* hierarchy limit of 5 groups has substantial outside support as being reasonable due to velveeta.
    • 2003, "JT", OT - Re: Please do not cross-post! (on newsgroup
      But a double cross post to applicable groups is not velveeta, spam, or bad netiquette.
    • 2004, "Joe Curry", Trip Report - RAF Museum Cosford! (on newsgroup
      My newsreader (Zimacs) displays aaue and I reply accordingly, perhaps the designer of the software was more aware of velveeta.?
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