


tysk + -eri, cognate with Danish tyskeri.


tyskeri n

  1. exaggerated (unhealthy, inappropriate) sympathy for or imitation of Germany, German language and habits of Germans; germanophilia, Germanism, Teutonism
    Vid poëmet I skogen anmärktes några »tyskerier» i formen.
    At the poem I skogen, some Germanisms in the form were noted.
    Författaren har här också befriat oss från en hop af de vidriga tyskerierna i substantiviserade participum presens.
    Here the author has also liberated us from a bunch of those awful Germanisms in the shape of participum presence turned nouns.
    Med sin skarpt kritiska stämning mot »tyskeriet» gläds Genberg att finna, att — Kant egentligen icke var tysk.
    With his highly critical attitude towards Germanophilia, Genberg is happy to find, that — Kant really was not German.
    Tyskeriet gjorde Sven Hedin oläslig.
    His sympathy for [Nazi] Germany rendered Sven Hedin unreadable.


Declension of tyskeri 
Singular Plural
Indefinite Definite Indefinite Definite
Nominative tyskeri tyskeriet tyskerier tyskerierna
Genitive tyskeris tyskeriets tyskeriers tyskeriernas


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