teteoh innan

See also: Teteoh innan

Classical Nahuatl

Alternative forms


From tēteoh, plural of teōtl (divinity; god), + īnnān (their mother).


  • IPA(key): /teːˈteoʔ ˈiːnnaːn/, [teːˌté.oʔˈíː.nːaːn̥]

Proper noun

tēteoh īnnān (animate)

  1. (mythology) (she is) the mother of gods; an aspect of Coatlicue as a mother goddess and primordial earth goddess.
    • 1558-1585: Bernardino de Sahagún, Primeros memoriales, f. 263r.
      Teteuynan inechichiuh / Motenholcupinticac / Tlaxapochtli in contlaliticac ycamapan
      Attire of tēteoh īnnān. Her lips are plumped with rubber. On her cheek is a [black] circle.


  • Rafael Tena (2012) La religión mexica, Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia, page 99
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