


From tattle +‎ -some.


tattlesome (comparative more tattlesome, superlative most tattlesome)

  1. Characterised or marked by tattling
    • 1989, Gordon Parks, The Learning Tree:
      The apparition frightened her, and she had dropped the plate. Newt thought of Priscilla as most boys his age thought of older sisters—meddlesome, tattlesome, scary, curious and unsociable.
    • 2004, Tenn' Enomentielva: A tale of many partings - Chapter One - Beginnings of Silver:
      Now, before my reader believes that Arwen was being tattlesome, you must understand that very often things - most times bones - were broken when the twins fought, and Arwen was under strict orders to report any such offenses while they were still young.
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