talon etu



talon (house's) + etu (advantage)


talon etu

  1. (gambling) hold (the percentage the house wins on a gamble as an average)
    Ruletissa talon etu on alle kolme prosenttia.
    In roulette the hold is less than three per cent.


Inflection of talon etu (Kotus type 1/valo, t-d gradation)
nominative talon etu talon edut
genitive talon edun talon etujen
partitive talon etua talon etuja
illative talon etuun talon etuihin
singular plural
nominative talon etu talon edut
accusative nom. talon etu talon edut
gen. talon edun
genitive talon edun talon etujen
partitive talon etua talon etuja
inessive talon edussa talon eduissa
elative talon edusta talon eduista
illative talon etuun talon etuihin
adessive talon edulla talon eduilla
ablative talon edulta talon eduilta
allative talon edulle talon eduille
essive talon etuna talon etuina
translative talon eduksi talon eduiksi
instructive talon eduin
abessive talon edutta talon eduitta
comitative talon etuineen


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