
See also: Sp, SP, sp., s/p, Sp., s.p., śp., ś.p., and




  1. Abbreviation of spelling. (often used when correcting or questioning one's own spelling)
    • 1993, "Keith Lau", More help needed! Spacecuts, etc ... (on newsgroup comp.graphics)
      Does this mean that I would have to use Z-buffering, or tessellate (sp?) the resultant (possibly nonconvex) polygon into triangles and draw them in Z-order?
    • 2003, "Maggie", I am back again... (on newsgroup alt.penpals.rejects)
      It's all that Britney Spears' fault and that other trashy looking singer, Christina Aguilera sp??? geezzzzzz.. they look like hookers !!!!!!
  2. Abbreviation of spur. (in highway designations and signage)
  3. Abbreviation of special. (Can we add an example for this sense?)


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