


Compare Gutnish snippä förbäj (pass by, cross over), English snap.


sniipp (preterite snapp or snifft or snippä, supine snóppi or snifft or snippä)

  1. to snatch
    Mait-krokjen hinnt knaft nedi vöttu-brynä förr’n abbarn snifft’n
    The fish hook had barely touched the water’s edge before the perch snatched it.
    Ji var gåli sljå dill, då dem snifft å mäg käppen
    I was ready to strike, when they snatched my cane.
  2. run briefly on a visit, make a short visit
    Han snippä dill grannars far’n.
    He made a quick visit to the neighbour’s master.
    Du kan fäll snipp in när mäg nagergang, då du fäläs ätt vajom.
    You could come by my place some time, when you are travelling the roads.

Derived terms

  • snaapp
  • snapp-händt
  • snipp-räis
  • snipp-snapp-snorum, häj basalorum
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