

WOTD – 31 January 2013
WOTD – 31 January 2015


From Latin smaragdinus, from Ancient Greek σμάραγδινος (smáragdinos), from σμάραγδος (smáragdos). See emerald for more.


  • IPA(key): /sməˈɹæɡdiːn/
  • Rhymes: -æɡdiːn
  • Hyphenation: sma‧rag‧dine


smaragdine (uncountable)

  1. Emerald.
    • 1814, Diodorus Siculus, G. Booth (translator), The Historical Library of Diodorus the Sicilian, Volume 1, page 143,
      The smaragdine and beryl, (as they are called), which are found in the copper-mines, are said to have their colour from their mixture with sulphur: and that the chrysolite, produced by the heat of thesun, receives its tincture from a hot and fiery exhalation.
    • 1833, John Brown, Stones, entry in A Dictionary of the Holy Bible, page 484,
      [] others green, as the emerald, smaragdine, and beryl; others bluish, as the sapphire and turquois; others purple-coloured, as the amethyst.
    • 1997, H. Stanley Redgrove, Alchemy Ancient and Modern, Facsimile Reprint, page 40,
      In a work attributed to Albertus Magnus, but which is probably spurious, we are told that Alexander the Great found the tomb of Hermes in a cave near Hebron. This tomb contained an emerald table — “The Smaragdine Table″ — on which were inscribed the following thirteen sentences in Phœnician characters: —



smaragdine (not comparable)

  1. Of or pertaining to emeralds.
  2. Having the colour of emeralds.
    • 1882, "Outside the Cars", Toledo Blade, 29 June 1882:
      Not even inspired vision ever saw sweeter fields arrayed in living green than these spangled meads which stretch out for miles on either side, and probably lead to "rivers of delight" just beyond those massive banks of beech and oaken and maple foliage, which frame the view in smaragdine opulence.
    • 1900, Frederick Rolfe, In His Own Image, John Lane (1900), pages 323-324:
      Under a smaragdine canopy of beeches, whose trunks, massive and fantastick, were sheathed in iron grey mail, the afternoon was warm.
    • 1999, Lynda Barry, Cruddy: An Illustrated Novel, Simon & Schuster (1999), →ISBN, pages 154-155:
      [] We will get the Hillbilly Woman very very high and she will lead us over the smaragdine mountain to a quiet pool where the Violent One awaits you."
    • 2007, Brite Templeton, Under Aldebaran, AuthorHouse (2007), →ISBN, page 27:
      She did not squint not as the sun crept through the Venetian blinds and seemed to ignite her already-luminous smaragdine eyes.





  1. vocative masculine singular of smaragdinus
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