


From skots (Scot, Scotsman) + -isks.


skotisks (skotiskais comparative, skotiskāks superlative, visskotiskākais adverb, skotiski)

  1. Scottish, Scotch (relating to the Scottish language; relating to the Scottish people or to Scotland)
    es nāku no Skotijas, Glāzgovas apkārtnes, taču mans uzvārds ir gluži ne-skotisksI come from Scotland, (from) a Glasgow neighborhood, but my family name is really non-Scottish

Usage notes

  • English “Scottish” as an attributive adjective usually correponds in Latvian to skotu, the genitive plural form of skots. The adjective skotisks is commonly used as a predicate (“this is Scottish”), or in its adverbial form skotiski.


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