


Latin scientia (knowledge) + suffix -al.


sciential (comparative more sciential, superlative most sciential)

  1. Of or pertaining to science or to knowledge.
    • John Milton, Paradise Lost
      But first low reverence done, as to the Pow'r / That dwelt within; whose presence had infus'd / Into the plant sciential sap, deriv'd / From Nectar, drink of Gods.
    • 1826, Samuel Taylor Coleridge, Aids to Reflection, "On Instinct in Connection with the Understanding (in Comment on Aphorism IX)":
      One of the wisest of uninspired men has not hesitated to declare the dog a great mystery, on account of this dawning of a moral nature unaccompanied by any the least evidence of reason, in whichever of the two senses we interpret the word—whether as the practical reason, that is, the power of proposing an ultimate end, the determinability of the Will by ideas; or as the sciential reason, that is, the faculty of concluding universal and necessary truths from particular and contingent appearances.
  2. Knowledgable.


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