


rape + -ism


rapism (uncountable)

  1. A paraphilia in which a person is aroused by rape, i.e. forcing somebody into sexual acts against their will.
  2. A set of cultural values that make rape morally acceptable.
    • 1993, Marilyn Pearsall, Women and Values: Readings in Recent Feminist Philosophy:
      The ethos of Judeo-Christian culture is dominated by The Most Unholy Trinity: Rape, Genocide, and War. It is rapism which spawns racism. It is gynocide which spawns genocide, for sexism (rapism) is fundamental socialization to objectify "the other".
    • 1984 Fall, Harris Mirkin, “The Passive Female: the Theory of Patriarchy”, in American Studies, volume 25, number 2:
      As boundary violators, all participate in the mythic paradigm of Rapism.
    • 1998, Mary Daly, Quintessence-- Realizing the Archaic Future:
      ... in which abominations are normalized, ritualized, repeated, legitimized, sacralized. The state of atrocity is characterized by rapism, the fundamental ideology and practice of patriarchy.
    • 1993 Spring-Summer, Mykel Johnson, “Casting a New Circle”, in Women's Studies Quarterly, volume 21, number 1-2:
      These are questions about liberation. There is one more: can you liberate womyn from the enslavement of sexism, rapism...
    • 2014 Fall, Lisa Samuels, “Rapacity Culture and the Body”, in Chicago Review, volume 59:
      I imagine being part of a "we" that wants to change rapacity culture in order to change rape culture, to undo rapism as many cultures have sought to undo racism.



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