


pseudo- + racism


pseudoracism (uncountable)

  1. (rare) Discrimination which is similar to but not necessarily the same as racism, for example because it occurs between castes or between members of the same group.
    • 1982, Pen International:
      Senghor's rhetoric and innocent pseudoracism can be irritating. Negritude has at least two dimensions — that of rediscovery and that of political reorientation. []
    • 1992, Marvin A. Lewis, Ethnicity and Identity in Contemporary Afro-Venezuelan Literature: A Culturalist Approach:
      Under the heading "Somos una sociedad racista" ("We Are a Racist Society") she concludes: "I would like to return to the questions that I raised at the beginning. The theme treated is racism, we do not find another word. It is not pseudoracism or quasiracism."
    • 2002, Ronald E. Hall, Pseudo-racism among Chicano(a), Asian and African Americans: implications of the black/white dichotomy, in The Social Science Journal, volume 39, issue 1, 2002, pages 109-112; abstract:
      Following years of Euro colonization and/or domination Chicano(a), Asian and African Americans act out racist behaviors. The result is pseudo-racism whereby those lighter-skinned assume the psychological demeanor of a dominant group.

Alternative forms

  • pseudo-racism
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