
See also: Projekts



Borrowed from Latin prōiectum (projection) (via some other European language), a perfect passive participle of prōiciō (throw forth, extend; expel).


projekts m (1st declension)

  1. project (a scheme for the building of something)
    celtnes, tilta projektsbuilding, bridge project
    oriģināls, tipveida projektsoriginal, typical project
    projekta skiceproject sketch
    individuāls projekts mājas būveiindividual project for home building
    izstrādāt, apstiprināt projektuto develop, to approve a project
    projektus nerada tikai arhitektinot only architects create projects
  2. draft, project (a first version of a document)
    līguma projektsdraft of a contract
    lēmuma projektsdraft of a resolution, decision
  3. plan (developed description of the execution of a future activity)
    viņam ir interesants darba pārkārtošanas projektshe has an interesting work reorganization project
    Mirdza pastāstīja savu projektu, kā, visiem piedaloties būvdarbos, šovasar varētu tautas namu uzceltMirdza described her project (about) how, (if) all participate in the building work, it would be possible this summer to build a people's house (= community center)


Derived terms




  1. indefinite genitive singular of projekt
  2. indefinite genitive plural of projekt
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