

Ilya Repin: "Reply of the Zaporozhian Cossacks to Sultan Mehmed IV of the Ottoman Empire"; the beige-clad man on the left edge of the table and the big, pink-clad man are wearing papakhas.


< Russian папа́ха (papakha), papaha according to the Finnish transliteration convention



  1. papakha (type of fur or sometimes woollen hat originating from Caucasus; shape varies from hemisphere to cylindrical, which may be slightly tapering to either direction)


Inflection of papaha (Kotus type 9/kala, no gradation)
nominative papaha papahat
genitive papahan papahojen
partitive papahaa papahoja
illative papahaan papahoihin
singular plural
nominative papaha papahat
accusative nom. papaha papahat
gen. papahan
genitive papahan papahojen
partitive papahaa papahoja
inessive papahassa papahoissa
elative papahasta papahoista
illative papahaan papahoihin
adessive papahalla papahoilla
ablative papahalta papahoilta
allative papahalle papahoille
essive papahana papahoina
translative papahaksi papahoiksi
instructive papahoin
abessive papahatta papahoitta
comitative papahoineen
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