other times

See also: othertimes



From other + times, after sometimes.


other times (not comparable)

  1. At other times; on other occasions.
    • 1603, John Florio, transl.; Michel de Montaigne, chapter 40, in The Essayes, [], book I, printed at London: By Val[entine] Simmes for Edward Blount [], OCLC 946730821:
      the more I had laden my selfe with coine, the more I had also burdened my selfe with feare: sometimes of my wayes-safetie, othertimes of their trust that had the charge of my sumpters and baggage [].
    • 2011, Nicky Woolf, The Guardian, 26 March:
      ‘Sometimes you have a good laugh, other times they might be a bit drunk and it's hard to get any sense out of them.’


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