o que

See also: oque and o quê



o que

  1. (relative) what
    • 2000, Domingo Frades Gaspar, Vamus a falal: Notas pâ coñocel y platical en nosa fala, Editora regional da Extremadura, Chapter 1: Lengua Española:
      I si “a patria do homi é sua lengua”, cumu idía Albert Camus, o que está claru é que a lengua está mui por encima de fronteiras, serras, rius i maris, de situaciós pulíticas i sociu-económicas, de lazus religiosus e inclusu familiaris.
      And if “a man’s homeland is his language”, as Albert Camus said, what is clear is that language is above borders, mountain ranges, rivers and seas, above political and socio-economic situations, of religious and even family ties.



From Old Portuguese o que.



o que

  1. (interrogative) what
    O que aconteceu?
    What happened?
  2. (relative) what
    Ele sabe o que ele quer.
    He knows what he wants.


For quotations of use of this term, see Citations:o que.

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