


From na- + ciągnąć (pull).


  • IPA(key): /naˈt͡ɕɔŋ.ɡnɔɲt͡ɕ/
  • (file)


naciągnąć pf (imperfective naciągać)

  1. to stretch over, to put on something held by elasticity [+ na (accusative) = onto something]
    Naciągnij prześcieradło na materac.
    Put the fitted sheet onto the mattress.
  2. to tension, to tighten
    Robotnicy naciągnęli liny cyrkowego namiotu.
    The laborers tensioned the ropes of the circus tent.
  3. to pull, to injure a muscle or tendon by stretching it too far
    Wczoraj naciągnąłem mięsień na siłowni, nadal boli.
    Yesterday I pulled a muscle at the gym, it still hurts.
  4. (colloquial) to cajole, to coax [+ na (accusative) = into something]
    Dzieci znowu naciągnęły mnie na McDonalda.
    The kids cajoled me again into getting McDonald's.


Further reading

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