

mũrũngũru (Herpestes sanguineus)

Alternative forms

  • morunguru[1], mũrũngũrũ


  • IPA(key): /mòɾòᵑɡóɾú/
As for Tonal Class, Benson (1964) classifies this term into Class 4 with a trisyllabic stem, together with kĩhengere, kĩariũngũ, and so on.


mũrũngũru class 3 (plural mĩrũngũru)

  1. slender mongoose (Herpestes sanguineus, syn. Galerella sanguinea)
  2. weasel[2][3]
  3. serval (cat)[4] (Leptailurus serval)

Usage notes

Derived terms


  • mũrũngũru wa njamba ũguĩmaga na ime
  • mũrũngũru wa njamba ũmaathaga na ime
  • mũrũngũru wa njamba ũtahaga na ime
  • mũrũngũru wa njamba ũtegaga na ime
  • mũrũngũru wa njamba ũũragaga na ime

See also


  1. Kingdon, Jonathan (1977). East African Mammals: An Atlas of Evolution in Africa, Volume III Part A (Carnivores), p. 184. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press. →ISBN
  2. "weasel" in Barlow, A. Ruffell (1975). English-Kikuyu dictionary. Oxford: Clarendon Press.
  3. rũngũrũ” in Benson, T.G. (1964). Kikuyu-English dictionary, p. 420. Oxford: Clarendon Press.
  4. Stevenson, Marion S. (1927). "Specimens of Kikuyu Proverbs," p. 241. In Festschrift Meinhof: Sprachwissenschaftliche und andere Studien, pp. 241246. Hamburg: Kommissionverlag von L. Friederichsen & Co.
  5. Rapson, S. & Rathbun, G.B. (2015). Herpestes flavescens. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2015: e.T41599A45205933. http://dx.doi.org/10.2305/IUCN.UK.2015-4.RLTS.T41599A45205933.en. Downloaded on 04 March 2018.
  6. IUCN (2017). The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2017-3. <www.iucnredlist.org>. Downloaded on 03 March 2018.
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