
See also: mũhĩa




  1. (intransitive) to brew, stew, simmer (to cook or undergo heating slowly at or below the boiling point)
  2. to fester (to worsen slowly and unnoticed, especially due to lack of attention)


Inflection of muhia (Kotus type 61/sallia, no gradation)
indicative mood
present tense perfect
person positive negative person positive negative
1st sing. muhin en muhi 1st sing. olen muhinut en ole muhinut
2nd sing. muhit et muhi 2nd sing. olet muhinut et ole muhinut
3rd sing. muhii ei muhi 3rd sing. on muhinut ei ole muhinut
1st plur. muhimme emme muhi 1st plur. olemme muhineet emme ole muhineet
2nd plur. muhitte ette muhi 2nd plur. olette muhineet ette ole muhineet
3rd plur. muhivat eivät muhi 3rd plur. ovat muhineet eivät ole muhineet
passive muhitaan ei muhita passive on muhittu ei ole muhittu
past tense pluperfect
person positive negative person positive negative
1st sing. muhin en muhinut 1st sing. olin muhinut en ollut muhinut
2nd sing. muhit et muhinut 2nd sing. olit muhinut et ollut muhinut
3rd sing. muhi ei muhinut 3rd sing. oli muhinut ei ollut muhinut
1st plur. muhimme emme muhineet 1st plur. olimme muhineet emme olleet muhineet
2nd plur. muhitte ette muhineet 2nd plur. olitte muhineet ette olleet muhineet
3rd plur. muhivat eivät muhineet 3rd plur. olivat muhineet eivät olleet muhineet
passive muhittiin ei muhittu passive oli muhittu ei ollut muhittu
conditional mood
present perfect
person positive negative person positive negative
1st sing. muhisin en muhisi 1st sing. olisin muhinut en olisi muhinut
2nd sing. muhisit et muhisi 2nd sing. olisit muhinut et olisi muhinut
3rd sing. muhisi ei muhisi 3rd sing. olisi muhinut ei olisi muhinut
1st plur. muhisimme emme muhisi 1st plur. olisimme muhineet emme olisi muhineet
2nd plur. muhisitte ette muhisi 2nd plur. olisitte muhineet ette olisi muhineet
3rd plur. muhisivat eivät muhisi 3rd plur. olisivat muhineet eivät olisi muhineet
passive muhittaisiin ei muhittaisi passive olisi muhittu ei olisi muhittu
imperative mood
present perfect
person positive negative person positive negative
1st sing. 1st sing.
2nd sing. muhi älä muhi 2nd sing. ole muhinut älä ole muhinut
3rd sing. muhikoon älköön muhiko 3rd sing. olkoon muhinut älköön olko muhinut
1st plur. muhikaamme älkäämme muhiko 1st plur. olkaamme muhineet älkäämme olko muhineet
2nd plur. muhikaa älkää muhiko 2nd plur. olkaa muhineet älkää olko muhineet
3rd plur. muhikoot älkööt muhiko 3rd plur. olkoot muhineet älkööt olko muhineet
passive muhittakoon älköön muhittako passive olkoon muhittu älköön olko muhittu
potential mood
present perfect
person positive negative person positive negative
1st sing. muhinen en muhine 1st sing. lienen muhinut en liene muhinut
2nd sing. muhinet et muhine 2nd sing. lienet muhinut et liene muhinut
3rd sing. muhinee ei muhine 3rd sing. lienee muhinut ei liene muhinut
1st plur. muhinemme emme muhine 1st plur. lienemme muhineet emme liene muhineet
2nd plur. muhinette ette muhine 2nd plur. lienette muhineet ette liene muhineet
3rd plur. muhinevat eivät muhine 3rd plur. lienevät muhineet eivät liene muhineet
passive muhittaneen ei muhittane passive lienee muhittu ei liene muhittu
Nominal forms
infinitives participles
active passive active passive
1st muhia present muhiva muhittava
long 1st2 muhiakseen past muhinut muhittu
2nd inessive1 muhiessa muhittaessa agent1, 3 muhima
instructive muhien negative muhimaton
3rd inessive muhimassa 1) Usually with a possessive suffix.

2) Used only with a possessive suffix; this is the form for the third-person singular and third-person plural.
3) Does not exist in the case of intransitive verbs. Do not confuse with nouns formed with the -ma suffix.

elative muhimasta
illative muhimaan
adessive muhimalla
abessive muhimatta
instructive muhiman muhittaman
4th nominative muhiminen
partitive muhimista
5th2 muhimaisillaan

Derived terms


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