



  1. a spectacular production (e.g. artistic, scientific) that a person has spent a lot of time and work on
    • 2002, Mig og Fanden: fortælling om et eventyr, Rosinante&Co. (→ISBN), page 54
      Da forestillingen således var spoleret, forlod folk storgrinende teatret og efterlod den stakkels teaterdirektør midt i sit ødelagte livsværk.
      The performance being thus spoiled, people left the theatre laughing loudly, leaving the poor theatre director in the middle of his ruined life's work.
    • 2015, Mechtild Borrmann, Den der bryder tavsheden, Klim (→ISBN)
      Han er så stolt over sit livsværk. Over dig og sit livsværk.
      He is so proud of his life's work. Of you, and his life's work.
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