


From LISTSERV (a trademark), the first electronic mailing list software application, launched in 1986.


listserve (plural listserves)

  1. (Internet) An electronic mailing list using the medium of e-mail.
    • 1996, Association for Asian Studies, Education about Asia
      This listserve actually is instrumental in providing me with some background and insights into topics of conversation — so it helps me to meet our students...
    • 2000, Elizabeth Kingsley, E-advocacy for nonprofits
      What steps can an organization take to minimize liability for third-party communications in a listserve or other interactive forum?
    • 2001, B Gayle Twiname, Sandra M Boyd, Student nurse handbook: difficult concepts made easy
      For example, if you are interested in IV therapy nursing, there is a listserve for IV therapy nurses...
    • 2004, Margaret R Hawkins, Language learning and teacher education: a sociocultural approach
      We will focus particularly on an analysis of participation on a listserve that the class utilized on an extended basis...


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