


kirkko (church) + herra (master, lord), mistranslation of Swedish kyrkoherde (vicar).



  1. A middle ranking Finnish church official of higher rank than a pappi (priest, vicar or preacher) but below the rank of piispa(bishop). A dean, a parson, rector (cleric in charge of a Lutheran or Orthodox parish)

Usage notes

The English equivalents for kirkkoherra vary widely by the country and congregation and same title may be used to mean different positions in different churches.


Inflection of kirkkoherra (Kotus type 9/kala, no gradation)
nominative kirkkoherra kirkkoherrat
genitive kirkkoherran kirkkoherrojen
partitive kirkkoherraa kirkkoherroja
illative kirkkoherraan kirkkoherroihin
singular plural
nominative kirkkoherra kirkkoherrat
accusative nom. kirkkoherra kirkkoherrat
gen. kirkkoherran
genitive kirkkoherran kirkkoherrojen
partitive kirkkoherraa kirkkoherroja
inessive kirkkoherrassa kirkkoherroissa
elative kirkkoherrasta kirkkoherroista
illative kirkkoherraan kirkkoherroihin
adessive kirkkoherralla kirkkoherroilla
ablative kirkkoherralta kirkkoherroilta
allative kirkkoherralle kirkkoherroille
essive kirkkoherrana kirkkoherroina
translative kirkkoherraksi kirkkoherroiksi
instructive kirkkoherroin
abessive kirkkoherratta kirkkoherroitta
comitative kirkkoherroineen

Derived terms

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