
See also: Jacobs



jacobs pl (plural only)

  1. Alternative form of Jacobs
    • 2004 December 24, Guppings, “Re: I hate Xmas”, in uk.sport.football, Usenet:
      He'd hit you with his wallet? What an opportunity!!! You could have kicked him in his jacobs, jumped on his head & ran off with his money.
    • 2005 March 5, Paul C, “Some photos: Glenbuck Cherrypickers and Muirkirk”, in uk.sport.football, Usenet:
      "last time I was at Muirkirk (In april I think) I was moaning about the cold while dressed in a few arctic fleeces, bunnet etc and a local came up to me in a thin jacket and said "braw warm today eh mate" I was freezing my jacobs off"
    • 2005, Ken Knight, The Midnight Oil, AuthorHouse (2005), →ISBN, page 240:
      It was almost 6:30 and the sun was breaking the horizon, better get the boss back to the safety of her fortress-like house on Beverly St., or it might be his jacobs in a jar!
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