


From inter- + trahō (I drag).


  • (Classical) IPA(key): /inˈter.tra.hoː/, [ɪnˈtɛr.tra.hoː]


intertrahō (present infinitive intertrahere, perfect active intertrāxī, supine intertrāctum); third conjugation

  1. (transitive) I take away, withdraw from.


   Conjugation of intertrahō (third conjugation)
indicative singular plural
first second third first second third
active present intertrahō intertrahis intertrahit intertrahimus intertrahitis intertrahunt
imperfect intertrahēbam intertrahēbās intertrahēbat intertrahēbāmus intertrahēbātis intertrahēbant
future intertraham intertrahēs intertrahet intertrahēmus intertrahētis intertrahent
perfect intertrāxī intertrāxistī intertrāxit intertrāximus intertrāxistis intertrāxērunt, intertrāxēre
pluperfect intertrāxeram intertrāxerās intertrāxerat intertrāxerāmus intertrāxerātis intertrāxerant
future perfect intertrāxerō intertrāxeris intertrāxerit intertrāxerimus intertrāxeritis intertrāxerint
passive present intertrahor intertraheris, intertrahere intertrahitur intertrahimur intertrahiminī intertrahuntur
imperfect intertrahēbar intertrahēbāris, intertrahēbāre intertrahēbātur intertrahēbāmur intertrahēbāminī intertrahēbantur
future intertrahar intertrahēris, intertrahēre intertrahētur intertrahēmur intertrahēminī intertrahentur
perfect intertrāctus + present active indicative of sum
pluperfect intertrāctus + imperfect active indicative of sum
future perfect intertrāctus + future active indicative of sum
subjunctive singular plural
first second third first second third
active present intertraham intertrahās intertrahat intertrahāmus intertrahātis intertrahant
imperfect intertraherem intertraherēs intertraheret intertraherēmus intertraherētis intertraherent
perfect intertrāxerim intertrāxerīs intertrāxerit intertrāxerīmus intertrāxerītis intertrāxerint
pluperfect intertrāxissem intertrāxissēs intertrāxisset intertrāxissēmus intertrāxissētis intertrāxissent
passive present intertrahar intertrahāris, intertrahāre intertrahātur intertrahāmur intertrahāminī intertrahantur
imperfect intertraherer intertraherēris, intertraherēre intertraherētur intertraherēmur intertraherēminī intertraherentur
perfect intertrāctus + present active subjunctive of sum
pluperfect intertrāctus + imperfect active subjunctive of sum
imperative singular plural
first second third first second third
active present intertrahe intertrahite
future intertrahitō intertrahitō intertrahitōte intertrahuntō
passive present intertrahere intertrahiminī
future intertrahitor intertrahitor intertrahuntor
non-finite forms active passive
present perfect future present perfect future
infinitives intertrahere intertrāxisse intertrāctūrus esse intertrahī intertrāctus esse intertrāctum īrī
participles intertrahēns intertrāctūrus intertrāctus intertrahendus
verbal nouns gerund supine
genitive dative accusative ablative accusative ablative
intertrahendī intertrahendō intertrahendum intertrahendō intertrāctum intertrāctū


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