in the wind



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in the wind

  1. (idiomatic) Impending or in the offing; imminent.
    • 1594, William Shakespeare, The Comedy of Errors, act 3, scene 1:
      There is something in the wind, that we cannot get in.
    • 1892, Rudyard Kipling, Barrack-room Ballads, "Tommy," line 31:
      There's trouble in the wind, my boys.
    • 2008 March 19, Fred Weir, "In Moscow, Rice signals warmer US-Russia ties," Christian Science Monitor (retrieved 21 October 2010):
      A grand strategic bargain between Russia and the US could be in the wind, after years of deteriorating relations.
  2. (idiomatic) At whereabouts unknown, especially when law enforcement authorities have lost track of one's location.


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