i' faith

See also: ifaith



i' faith (not comparable)

  1. (obsolete) In faith; indeed, truly.
    • c. 1598, William Shakespeare, Henry V, Act V, Scene 2,
      Give me your answer; i’ faith, do: and so clap hands and a bargain: how say you, lady?
    • 1682, Aphra Behn, Sir Patient Fancy, London: Richard Tonson & Jacob Tonson, Act II, Scene 1, pp. 23-24,
      [] if you lov’d Hawking, Drinking, and Whoring,—oh Lord, I mean Hunting, i’ faith there be good fellows wou’d keep you company Madam.
    • 1768, George Saville Carey, Liberty Chastised, London: for the author, Act III, Scene 1,
      I’ faith, friend Blunt, that little harangue of yours has had a better effect, and done more good in five minutes, than all the m—l force of the kingdom could have effected in a week.
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