


From the now defunct brand name "Hungarocell", from hungaro- and English cell (referring to the cell structure of the foam).


  • IPA(key): [ˈhuŋɡɒrot͡sɛlː]
  • Hyphenation: hun‧ga‧ro‧cell


hungarocell (plural hungarocellek)

  1. styrofoam (expanded polystyrene foam used in cups and packaging)


Inflection (stem in -e-, front unrounded harmony)
singular plural
nominative hungarocell hungarocellek
accusative hungarocellt hungarocelleket
dative hungarocellnek hungarocelleknek
instrumental hungarocellel hungarocellekkel
causal-final hungarocellért hungarocellekért
translative hungarocellé hungarocellekké
terminative hungarocellig hungarocellekig
essive-formal hungarocellként hungarocellekként
inessive hungarocellben hungarocellekben
superessive hungarocellen hungarocelleken
adessive hungarocellnél hungarocelleknél
illative hungarocellbe hungarocellekbe
sublative hungarocellre hungarocellekre
allative hungarocellhez hungarocellekhez
elative hungarocellből hungarocellekből
delative hungarocellről hungarocellekről
ablative hungarocelltől hungarocellektől
Possessive forms of hungarocell
possessor single possession multiple possessions
1st person sing. hungarocellem hungarocelljeim
2nd person sing. hungarocelled hungarocelljeid
3rd person sing. hungarocellje hungarocelljei
1st person plural hungarocellünk hungarocelljeink
2nd person plural hungarocelletek hungarocelljeitek
3rd person plural hungarocelljük hungarocelljeik
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