

WOTD – 21 February 2012


First attested in 1938; formed as homo- (same) + glyph after homograph.


  • (Received Pronunciation, UK) enPR: hŏʹmōglĭf, IPA(key): /ˈhɒməʊɡlɪf/
  • (file)


homoglyph (plural homoglyphs)

  1. A character identical or nearly identical in appearance to another, but which differs in the meaning it represents.
    • 1938, Sylvanus Griswold Morley, The Inscriptions of Petén IV, page 43
      The E variant of the moon sign may perhaps be regarded as a homoglyph.
    • 1990, NIAS Report, page 34
      The lower case “L”, Upper case “i”, and Numeral “One” are homoglyphs.
    • 2007, Shinji Ido, Bukharan Tajik, page 4
      All the other consonant phonemes are transcribed into the homoglyphs of their IPA representations.
    • 2009, Theodore Rosendorf, The Typographic Desk Reference, page 50
      The pair shown is the letter f and the guilder currency sign [ƒ]. Homoglyphs can also occur within the same writing system.
    • For more examples of usage of this term, see Citations:homoglyph.


Further reading

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