



  1. cisticola (any bird of the Cisticolidae family, consisting of about 120 species)

Usage notes

The individual species of the Cisticolidae family are known with a number of common names, including:

  • priinia (prinia)
  • apali (apalis)
  • kerttu (warbler) (these common names are used also of birds in othr families, notably Sylviidae, the Old World warblers)
  • raitakerttu (wren-warbler)
  • jeri (jery)
  • räätäli (tailorbird)


Inflection of herttu (Kotus type 1/valo, tt-t gradation)
nominative herttu hertut
genitive hertun herttujen
partitive herttua herttuja
illative herttuun herttuihin
singular plural
nominative herttu hertut
accusative nom. herttu hertut
gen. hertun
genitive hertun herttujen
partitive herttua herttuja
inessive hertussa hertuissa
elative hertusta hertuista
illative herttuun herttuihin
adessive hertulla hertuilla
ablative hertulta hertuilta
allative hertulle hertuille
essive herttuna herttuina
translative hertuksi hertuiksi
instructive hertuin
abessive hertutta hertuitta
comitative herttuineen
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