


The word possibly originally meant "wasteful, diminishing, useless" (in which case, compare hupa for semantic shift), in which case it might be related to haaska and derived from haja-.


hauska (comparative hauskempi, superlative hauskin)

  1. pleasant
  2. merry
  3. fun, in the idiomatic expression pitää hauskaa.


Inflection of hauska (Kotus type 9/kala, no gradation)
nominative hauska hauskat
genitive hauskan hauskojen
partitive hauskaa hauskoja
illative hauskaan hauskoihin
singular plural
nominative hauska hauskat
accusative nom. hauska hauskat
gen. hauskan
genitive hauskan hauskojen
partitive hauskaa hauskoja
inessive hauskassa hauskoissa
elative hauskasta hauskoista
illative hauskaan hauskoihin
adessive hauskalla hauskoilla
ablative hauskalta hauskoilta
allative hauskalle hauskoille
essive hauskana hauskoina
translative hauskaksi hauskoiksi
instructive hauskoin
abessive hauskatta hauskoitta
comitative hauskoine

Derived terms

See also


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